An "official" name for the ESB sidearm?

Jodo Kast 3

Well-Known Hunter
Guys and Gals,

Anybody know the official Lucasfilm name for Fetts ESB (Nemrod speargun) sidearm? Is there even one?


I have looked and all I can find Is -Sidearm- or -Pistol- I've also heard it Called a Bespin Security Blaster, but never an actualy specific name.
cal196 said:
I have looked and all I can find Is -Sidearm- or -Pistol- I've also heard it Called a Bespin Security Blaster, but never an actualy specific name.
I have also heard it be called the Bespin Security Gun, but I lack in finding a true technical name such as, "EE-3."

I'm sure we'd all like to find out what it's called when/if we ever do! Does it even have a name? That's a big question in my head.
Thanks for trying guys. I know...It was very frustrating looking and coming up with nothing. I was just hoping that one of the Fett experts here knew something more about it.

I`ll keep trying..

Thanks again..

Technically none of this stuff really have names. Did you ever hear the rifle in any movie ever be referred to as an EE-3, or the ST blasters being called E-11's, or Han's blaster being called DL-44?

All of the names on the props in the movies are merely the work of someone coming up with something that sounds like whatever it is would be called.

Most people other than us really even notice the existence of Boba's sidearm in ESB so it is doubtful that there really is an "official name." I would say we should have a contest to see who can come up with the best sounding gun designation that hasn't already been used on something else, and we'll call that the official name.
what about sa-5 for the side arm in episode 5 or esb-2 for bobas secoond gun or BH-11 for bounty hunter and put on the 11 for no reason. just a thought for fun!
The only reason we know Boba Fett's Blaster and Jet Pack is because it was in the technical Dictionary, an offical book of the movies.

None of his weapons have anysort of nickname, like Hellboy's Samaritan.

But If I was gonna name His sidearm it would probably be -Westar-33- because it looks older and less powerful than Jango's Blaster, but look kinda like the same design. Maybe Its one of Jango's old blasters he left with his old suit before he upgraded
"A Field Guide to Boba Fett's Mandalore Armour" (on the Reference CD) refers to it as "a concussion grenade launcher".
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Jango_Fett_Jr said:
"A Field Guide to Boba Fett's Mandalore Armour" (on the Reference CD) refers to it as "a concussion grenade launcher".
I thought that was the Pre-Pro blaster?

It was a laser blaster in the Holiday Special.
GCNgamer128 said:
I have also heard it be called the Bespin Security Gun, but I lack in finding a true technical name such as, "EE-3."

Well, the Bespin Security blaster is the Relby k-23. . . but it is not the same blaster as Boba's sidearm.
I know it´s not the same, but in the comic "twin engines of destruction" Jodo use a similar gun, to shoot to a door and it´s explode (like it´s was a concussion grenade launcher").
that what I think it is......
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