Hey Guys,
I see your discussing a "certain armor builder's" efforts, lol.
Glad to see those pix BB but really do have to say that I thought my codpiece is one of my better formed pieces...its definately the most time consuming and achieving the form is tricky because there are angles which dont "want" to line up right. My only critique of my codpiece is that the curve should be a bit more pointed at the bottom. This too is tough to achieve because I use a series of metal stakes, shaped like thick japanese fans with a bevel at the top, and have to angle the piece as I hammer it....sanding down all the hammer marks is equally tricky because if I get to close to the edge it can wear down, causing the curve to widen or narrow too much. The only other detail is that you guys say that the RENAL plate goes over the cod piece but I swear Ive seen shots the other way....is it possible that these two plates could be assembled/connected either or both ways???
Oh yeah two other things...the codpiece on the MOM mannequin has a weird bent-in look on the rightside if looking at him. I decided not to include this as it appears to have been a detail that was not included on the originals...though I could be wrong. I presume this is due to warping of the plate...which I have already noticed on the Jango suit!!--Ive got a shot of the neck plate all warped out of shape.
Regarding symmetry of the two chest plates and Ab...well guys, to be honest..if you held them up together you might be turned off at how assymetrical they really are..almost .5" in some plates!!!!! I do have the original movie patterns and can use them for the hardcores but I dont recommend it on the grounds that 99.9% of people seeing it will think you look lobsided

and it kinda bothers me personally that some super spaceage culture would make armor that was so damn assymetrical. Somebody (not BB in this case) I really respect and who generally has a very good eye who prefers everything to have the movie flaws. He asked me why in the world would I and anyone else want metal armor. "Well," I replied "because A] according to the movies/story its SUPPOSED to be some type of industrially produced (machined) shiny metal armor...B] I sorta suspect that, given more time, the costume guys ~would~ have made a perfectly symmetrical suit...C] each movie version has a slightly different trim job so achieving a perfect replica means youd have to make at least several or more separate costumes!!...and D] simply put, metal impresses people a helluva lot more than plastic or fiberglass...c'mon this stuff borders on 'Western-iconica' so when representing the most popular trilogy, by all means, where your best threads!
Braks.......PLEASE post a critique of the cod piece and Ill try to make some corrections.