A new Zammer

me gonk

Active Hunter
I have completely forgotten to introduce myself. :facepalm
My name is Katrina. I live in San Diego and am an active member of the San Diego Star Wars Society. My husband is a member of the 501st with a clean TK.
I have wanted a Zam Wesell costume since I first started seeing it when previews came out before the release of ATOC. But at the time I had a little baby who was nursing and was still in a post baby size flux and then I had my second child a couple years later and repeated that process and had little to no time and the money issue and....yeah..yeah...you get the idea.
I've lurked here for ages but never got up to posting.
Then I saw the neoprene run was coming, asked the hubby who said go for it and here I am.
So I have started my newest area of collecting...that which will eventually make a Zam costume.
I really look forward to this and I am grateful for all the help that's on these boards. Even before I've done any serious work I have found it invaluable!
Hi Me*Gonk - I had noticed you were from the San Diego area. I don't think I've met you though? I know a few of your members including Miana Kenobi, Jawa James, and Tony (don't remember his screen name. He has a Mandalorian costume).

Anyway, I hope to meet you at a Southern California event some time! We can compare notes on Zam progress :) I find that I'm down there quite a bit, since that's where most of the action seems to happen in terms of conventions and museum exhibits. (I happen to be up in Northern California).

- Kathy (Yes, another Kathy making a Zam costume. That should confuse things!)

P.S. I know I never formally introduced myself. I guess a lot of you found my screen name familiar through the FIDM Zam photos I'd taken. I'm so glad they were helpful! I never dreamed I'd be able to add this costume to my slowly growing collection. I've always had the mind set I had to make everything myself from scratch without really realizing that many of these more complicated costumes involving armor turn into group projects. Each person specializing in one aspect or another and sharing their skills with the rest of the group if they so desire. I wish there was more I could contribute besides reference photos. I am more of a seamstress who custom dyes a lot of fabric and does hand embroidery and beading. I've done a little clay and leather work (as well as making a custom fitted headband out of sintra and styrene) , but I'm far from being an expert in those areas. I'm looking forward to learning to work with leather with this project though!
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Hi Me*Gonk - I had noticed you were from the San Diego area. I don't think I've met you though? I know a few of your members including Miana Kenobi, Jawa James, and Tony (don't remember his screen name. He has a Mandalorian costume).

Heh, Tony is swguru2004 and that Mandalorian used to belong to me. :lol:

Anywhoo, I'll butt out now.
Heh, Tony is swguru2004 and that Mandalorian used to belong to me. :lol:

Anywhoo, I'll butt out now.

Hehe, yeah I had heard he bought it from someone! He seems to be getting a lot of good use out of it which is great!

Considering it sounds like you are helping Me*Gonk with her costume, I really doubt you need to butt out :lol: She's lucky to have your help!
Welcome, we've been expecting you :)

I never introduced myself either. I couldn't really as I was in the middle of some top class sneaking to try and get my girlfriend her Zam parts. Langsuir666. She too is in the middle of hers and it's coming along nicely.

Prosthetics aside, you've picked the most intricate and coolest looking costume in the galaxy! Good luck with it all.

Gutted I'm a boy to be honest. Well, 33 yr old man - but still a boy :)
Hi Katrina :) Welcome!

I wonder if we've ever met? I have a terrible memory :/

Thanks for the welcome.
I am horrible at putting names to faces. It's possible we've met.
I'm tall, waist+ blonde hair, have a couple kids attached to me all the time.
I'm the one who posts for Jon (my hubbie) on the 501st boards.

Donny's been great! Helped me find boots on ebay, waiting for those to arrive.

Just bought some beads at Hot Topic tonight...I'm on my way slowly LOL

6 zammers at CIII~(people who worked on a zam) in the shots. Kim's in there. :)

Iceheart, Maulmaus, Hothgirl, KimnCris, Wookie. I don't know who the zam was next to me and Iceheart. I didn't get a shot of me and Judz Dwedd's wife or Moncal's wife, DCB and some others :(

You wanna post a pic?
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That poor little French Zam (in the dark red) was so adorable... she was trying SO HARD to ask me questions about my leather and my skirt, and she didn't speak a word of English. Her boyfriend didn't speak enough to have the vocabulary to ask me the questions either, or understand the answers, and I think I just confused them worse. She was really sweet, though.
Thanks for the welcome.
I am horrible at putting names to faces. It's possible we've met.
I'm tall, waist+ blonde hair, have a couple kids attached to me all the time.
I'm the one who posts for Jon (my hubbie) on the 501st boards.

Donny's been great! Helped me find boots on ebay, waiting for those to arrive.

Just bought some beads at Hot Topic tonight...I'm on my way slowly LOL

Yeah lemme know when you get those boots. I just try to help out where I can. I've always joked that if I was a woman, I'd be a Zammer myself :lol:
Shoes showed up yesterday :)


Few mods because of the lacing, but the top stitching is the same as is the sole.
Do you have a pic from the side? I'ts hard to tell from that shot, because it's all gonna be covered by the shin guard assembly and toe guards.
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