1st try gauntlet project...HELP !!!


O K I have made/painted a few things ( shoulder & knee armor ) , toe spikes and an ammo belt , but I have no expirience in this area . A few months ago I purchased a Ruffkin gauntlet kit ( see pics ) and have made/ purchased some accesseries for them . I have a couple of gauntlet sets ( Ebay) which I'm not 100% happy with , so I figured I would start from scratch and with the help of the TDH community ( all you all knowing all seeing experts ) I would give it a try . Let me start buy saying , I dont have an air brush so I need to use ready available paints etc . There are many questions and I need the step by step , from scratch to the end .Do I go topical or layered with liquid mask as I did with the knee & sholder armor ( see pic )?How do I prep the styrene? Do I need to prime ? Any & all advice would be MOST appreciated .I'm sure this has been done over and over but ....... Thanks people !





I also have a set of Ruffkintoy gauntlets. I primered mine ,then painted them with Krylon burgandy satin. I did weather with silver on top, then blackwash (Thanks Got Maul). They turned out great!!! :)
Fettism said:
There are many questions and I need the step by step , from scratch to the end.
I have a thread here in the Armor section, showing my step by step progress on a set of FP Gauntlets. Check it out, it may help some.

Fettism said:
Do I go topical or layered with liquid mask as I did with the knee & sholder armor ( see pic )?
I like the layered method when I paint my armor. It looks more realistic in person that a topical paint job. Topical is great for the movies, but layered is better in real life. ;)

Fettism said:
How do I prep the styrene? Do I need to prime?
First thing you should do is give ALL the pieces a good washing with soap and water (use a plastic cleaner if you have it). Scrub all the pieces with an old tooth brush to get in the tough to reach spaces. Rinse and dry.

Once you have the kit assembled, there will probably be spots you need to fill with bondo to fill in the gaps and smooth out the edges. Fill in those spots, sand the bondo, give the entire gauntlet a light sanding with a 300 grit sand paper, to rough up the surface and give the paint something to stick to. Rinse & dry again. I would then prime the gauntlets to give them a uniform surface and color for the paint.

Be sure to show us how they come out.


p.s. Great suit BTW :thumbsup:
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