Recent content by Skyfire

  1. Skyfire

    2023 High Quality GMH Source-talk

    I am on a work trip living out if a hotel 1200 miles from home for the Summer. Probably be back at making GMH’s this fall.
  2. Skyfire

    GMH (Old fett pride) Helmet Ears

    PM me and I’ll get you sorted out.
  3. Skyfire

    Helmet Jango fett helmet help

    Or maybe we own a Fox studio production master that was purchased from a active and non banned member.
  4. Skyfire

    Wasted Fett Unaltered Hero helmet Painted by Superjedi

    Hope everyone enjoys this this eye candy, I mean it’s no Hasbro Black Series, but Wasted Fett and superjedi do a pretty great job!
  5. Skyfire

    Wasted Fett Unaltered Hero helmet Painted by Superjedi

    This thread will show off the great work done by superjedi on my Wasted Fett ESB/ROTJ SE Hero helmet. This helmet was a work of art all in itself without being painted, but I could not resist having something just a cut above the average joe.
  6. Skyfire

    Wasted Fett Fugly ESB Helmet Paintup

    “You might Very well think that, I couldn’t possibly comment” Sir Francis Urquhart-
  7. Skyfire

    RF Topper Comparison: TerminalFettler and the FPH2 Kit RF Topper from WastedFett

    Also we were tinting them with a minor yellow color a few years ago to give them the aged look like the ones in the archive and have since stopped doing that, keeping them clear.
  8. Skyfire

    JT-12 arena vs Classic Z-6 Jetpack

    Putting a dent in a dentless helmet is possible, but not as easy as others have said. First thing. really look at all the reference photos available and make a layout on your helmet. The dent size actually does matter for accuracy, since you want 501st approval. After you have done the...
  9. Skyfire

    3D Scan of GMH Boba Fett Helmet

    Just to be perfectly clear I am not cool with this recasting of the GMH, especially after he asked to buy a Mold from me on January 29th, 2019 and I told him no.
  10. Skyfire

    TDH needs you for Celebration 2019!

    Thursday 5-7 Friday 12–2 Saturday 4-6 Sunday 6-7 Monday 12-2