First kill of the season.

Speaking of pests, our neighbor has three very annoying yap dogs that they leave out in their backyard (the stench!). They bark continuously everyday and night! Since it's getting pretty hot now, I want to save money by not using the AC so we just open the windows, but the barking is just too much so we leave the windows closed and use the AC. Maybe I should have them pay for my electricity bill!

In the house, we have tons of big daddy longs legs which doesn't bother me much coz they eat ants, but there is the occasional brown spider that I catch on the wall once in a while. But scorpions tops it all for me, I'm glad we don't see them around here! We have two little ones and if they get stung by one of those critters, it could be fatal!
I had to chime in on this one once more. I see a few people mentioned bats. I had bats in the ceiling above my room. They would keep me up all night long scratching and squeeking. A few summers ago, we tore off the roof cap above my room, and about 50 flew out & almost knocked me off the roof. Not good since it is almost 3 stories!!! This part isn't for the sqeemish (sp?) There was about a 2 feet of quano in there!!!!!!! (I always wondered what that odd smell was.) I had to suck it all out with a shop vac & it was one of the worst jobs I ever had to do. since there is really nowhere to stand up there, I had to work while standing in it!!! I live in what used to be a church, and my room is in the old bell tower....(see pic) So yeah, I litteraly had "bats in the bell-free!!!!!!"

house front.jpg
Oh man where to start with the creepy crawlies... Well where I'm stationed here in Missouri we get some nasty wolf spiders and the occasional brown recluse, in one of the shops I worked in we would catch a good sized wolf spider and keep it far a pet, we called him "Moon Shine." We also have a sizeable population of coyotes living just off base and they go nuts at night when they find something tasty to eat lol. Now back home in florida where my parents live (and I wish I still lived) you can hear the gators in the pond behind their property and we have what we call the "Boogie Cat" lurking in the vacant lots in the neighbor hood, it's like a bobcat but too big to be one and the wrong color and the tail is too long. And don't forget the snakes, my grandparents had a pair of blue racers living in their back yard and a king snake in the front yard and then there's the occasional pigmy rattler that I would get the distinct honor of hunting for my elderly neighbor (old people in Florida imagine that) and my favorite beach on Boca Grande has iguanas instead of squirrells. I think I have my own fair share of beasties :p
well, nothing big, unfortunetly. brown recluses, black widdows, and at one point a cat. i still dont know how the little buggar got in, but it was the same cat that bugged me at my old house. however, it was caught and put into the pound. so i adopted it.
...still have spiders though... lots of spiders >=(
How nasty are the stings of that particular type of the little buggers?

One day I was coming home late from work and I was extremely tired, so I dropped my work clothes off in the hamper, settled in my bed in my skivvies, and proceeded to fall asleep.

All of a sudden I felt multiple sharp pains in my rear end. It felt like someone was poking me with a needle, so I got up, turned on my light, and lo and behold a scorpion was sitting in between my sheets!

I smashed the sucker and thought nothing of it. I woke up in the middle of the night fully drenched in sweat, my body felt numb, and it was hard to swallow or speak. Luckily, I live about 3 blocks from a fire station, and since we're in the desert, they had a bark scorpion anti-venom.

So in short, the sting doesn't hurt, but it'll make you feel like crud (slight understatement). And the smaller their claws, the more potent the sting.

This guy...

is more dangerous than this guy...
Definately, the smaller the claws, the worse the venom is!!!! I've been studying scorps for ohh...almost 10 years now. Like any other predator, they have to minimize damage to themselves inflicted by thier standard prety. One way to do it, is to have a very toxic venom which paralyzes. The other, is to have massive claws that can crush a prey item before it inflicts damage. I've had many emperor scorpions in the past...(the black one that puddi posted...those are typically the ones you see for sale in pet shops.) I think I've had 5 or 6 of em, & never once did I see them sting anything!!!!!!!!! In fact, I could pick them up & let em crawl around on me & they were always very dosile. A few years back, I had a chance to pick up an arizona hairy scorp. I had that one only a day & he was trying to sting everything in sight!!!!! Very fascinating creatures...except if they are crawling around loose in your house!!! Scorrpion fun fact here: Less than 30% of scorpions are deadly to humans..however, some of the very nastys are super bad!!!! From my understanding, the ones we have in the states aren't to bad. If you go over to the middle East, some of the fat-tails they have there are responsible for like 70% of all fatalities annually. Again, for you guys who have to deal with them down south & have them loose in the house & stinging you, I can't blame you for hating them. But I really do find them fascinating!!! Hey, have any of you guys ever tried shining a black light on one???? They light up like a halloween glow stick!!!
I found a scorpion in our hotel room in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Just a little bugger, hiding under the television. My mum tried chasing it outside but it came right back in, so she smashed it with my walking stick. And then she didn't want to sleep because she thought there were gonna be scorpions all over the room.
When I lived in Easton, Pennsylvania, we used to get lots and lots of critters from the woods behind our house. Rabbits, fox, deer, groundhogs, squirrels, owls, and dozens and dozens of wild turkeys! (I would toss bread to them, and when they'd finish I'd run after them and watch them fly into the trees)
In North Carolina, we got brown recluses. They're VERY poisoness, don't get bitten. They can kill you in a few minutes. I've seen people who've survived and were left with ugly scars as if the area bitten just rotted away. Once, when coming home from diner, there was this big spider on the kitchen floor. Maybe about the size of my palm. As soon as my mum saw it she let out this strange scream, kinda like "UWAAH!" She didn't want to smash it so she put a peanut butter jar over the spider, and it started biting the jar and leaving little droplets of I would guess to be venom, and we threw it outside.
I've been in El Paso, Texas for over a year now. There's doves and pidgeons that sit next to my window and just make this "Ooo! Oooo!" noise all day. And sometimes I can here the scratching of their feet as they run around on the roof. I think they're fighting... or mating. Right now, lots of freakin' little cockroaches! Ergh, they keep getting into the house and just dying.
Here's a question: Why do roaches always die on their backs? :confused
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I found a scorpion in our hotel room in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Just a little bugger, hiding under the television. My mum tried chasing it outside but it came right back in, so she smashed it with my walking stick. And then she didn't want to sleep because she thought there were gonna be scorpions all over the room.
When I lived in Easton, Pennsylvania, we used to get lots and lots of critters from the woods behind our house. Rabbits, fox, deer, groundhogs, squirrels, owls, and dozens and dozens of wild turkeys! (I would toss bread to them, and when they'd finish I'd run after them and watch them fly into the trees)
In North Carolina, we got brown recluses. They're VERY poisoness, don't get bitten. They can kill you in a few minutes. I've seen people who've survived and were left with ugly scars as if the area bitten just rotted away. Once, when coming home from diner, there was this big spider on the kitchen floor. Maybe about the size of my palm. As soon as my mum saw it she let out this strange scream, kinda like "UWAAH!" She didn't want to smash it so she put a peanut butter jar over the spider, and sharted biting the jar and leaving little droplets of I would guess to be venom, and we threw it outside.
I've been in El Paso, Texas for over a year now. There's doves and pidgeons that sit next to my window and just make this "Ooo! Oooo!" noise all day. And sometimes I can here the scratching of their feet as they run around on the roof. I think they're fighting... or mating. Right now, lots of freakin' little cockroaches! Ergh, they keep getting into the house and just dying.
Here's a question: Why do roaches always die on their backs? :confused
The smaller the scorpion, the more venomous they are. Don't get stung by a baby!!

And about that spider, I would have murdered it several times with many different blunt objects.
Ick. I've heard there are brown recluses around here too. Just never seen one yet. GLAD I HAVEN'T!!! I HATE SPIDERS!!!!!!!!! But I've heard about the damage they can cause when they bite.

And about "the smaller they are, the more poisonous they are". That is TRUE!!! Also in snakes!!! I heard that baby pit vipers are much more poisonous than adults!!! I think that's why I am so afraid of snakes. Something must have happened when I was little when we ran into that nest of baby pit vipers in the sand box. And I must have blocked it out. I dunno. I just know that I am terrified of them!!! So afraid of them I just freeze.

BUT right now, we're dealing with bag worms. There are tons of their cocoons all over the trees!!!
Ok, where do i start...
1)We have the top three most venomous spiders in the world.
2) somewhere around the top three out of 5 most venomous snakes in th eworld.
3) 4 species (roundabouts) of man eating shark.
4) Portuguese man of war, otherwise known as the box jellyfish.
5) Crocodiles.
6) Dingoes
7) Stonefish
8) Blue ringed octopus.
9) Pauline Hanson (Look it up)
10) Giant Squid (we share/ have custody of with new zealand)
11) Goannas.
12) Wombats. While not aggressive, if they decide to headbut your knees you will lose them or if you run one over kiss the bottom of your car goodbye.
13) Kangaroos that Kamakazie in front of high speed cars.
14) Magpies that are mostly dangerous to the young and the elderly. Can be mistaken for a German Stouker diverbomber when attacking.
15) Bogans, otherwise known as "westies" or "yobbos" Often seen hanging around in shopping centers with butt hanging out of pants (visual assault) chain smoking (cancer causing) noise polluters. See also CUBBIES, aka Cashed Up Bogans. Much like their cousins except more money to waste on useless stuff.

To sum up: Everything here hates us, wants to maim, kill, eat, poison, steal our babies or otherwise harm us. God's lucky country indeed, but i wouldn't live anywhere else.
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I just had my first kill of the season!! a HUGE brown recluse spider!!! Oh MY GOD!!!!!!! That thing had to be at least 3 inches across!!!!!!!!!!! It's body had to be as long as a quarter!!!!!!!!!

I hope I can sleep after that. My nerves are completely shot!!!!!!!

Nothing like waking up to go to the bathroom and seeing one of those on the bathroom wall!!
So as I'm walking to class today, I feel something pinch my tongue, then the roof of my mouth, I spit into my hand, and oh my, somehow a spider had gotten into my mouth.

I don't know what kind of spider it was, but it was small and black/brown. I flipped out as soon as I realised what happened, and then I started to suck my mouth as much as I could to remove any and all venom that was injected. Last I knew, I was in the hallway spitting for about 3 minutes.

My tongue right now has a little sore on the side, the roof of my mouth is fine though.
Well here in southern UT, we get the dozen or more black widows, wolf spiders, bees, paper wasps stuff like that, luckily at my house we've only encountered 2 scorpions in the past 19 years, just scooped'em up in a jar and let'em go someplace out in da hills,I did almost sit on one while repelling one day. I have caught and released several good sized tarantulas, two of em about 6-7 inches across, they were pretty cool.

I wouldn't consider them a pest but, every year we get 1 or 2 hummingbirds that nest in our yard, I love watch'n them hover around, and love the sounds they make. :)

Oh anyone have any good ways of get'n rid of goffers? I've tried traps, and soon the hose/drowing, but was wondering if anyone had so better way of doing it?
I HATE creapy critters!, The fact that I live in a bacement and I know theres spiders in my room, I need to do something this year cause last year the spiders got really bad outside, when the nights get really humid they like to come out and infest my porch.

Of all the things I cna not stand its spiders.
Spiders and wasps are the worst for me, I become completely irrational if they are around..! I have walked in on a jaguar in the night once, that was quite a cold-sweating adrenalin kick one could say.
Gophers? I heard that putting chewing gum down into the holes helps. They can't digest it and it blocks up the digestive system. Sounds strange, but apparently it works.
Oh anyone have any good ways of get'n rid of goffers? I've tried traps, and soon the hose/drowing, but was wondering if anyone had so better way of doing it?

What kind fo gophers???? Up here in MN we have a few kinds...(pocket gophers, striped gophers etc. I used to trap pocket gophers for local farmers as a kid. I was actually quite good at it!!! (those are the kind that make the great big mounds that plug up farm machinery) I'm not shure on the other kinds, but if they are are pocket gophers I can definately tell you how to get rid of those.
Gum ey? would never of thought of that lol. hhhmm not realy sure wat kinda gophers, the holes arn't that big, maybe a little larger than a fist. My dad set traps wit out me knowing and they didn't work, the dang thing just plug the holes and made a new one lol, so before I move in again I thought I'd get some help. Thanx jenchuan, and Jango's kid i sent pm.
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