Knee dart question?


Active Hunter
So I've been eyeing some aluminum Knee darts as the next upgrade for my Fett. I have noticed that some sets have grooved tips and some are smooth. Which ones are "correct"? Perhaps the different sets are on different versions? God knows there's plenty of swapping between the versions. I'm rocking an already approved SE, just want to ensure I get the right ones for my upgrade. Thanks.
So since there are so many differences I could basically just get whichever version I prefer for my ROTJ build?
If you wanted to get even goofier with how often they mixed parts around, the particular set of knees F4R just showed the picture of, the right knee darts have no grooves, but the left knee shown there does have darts with grooves. It's also the only knee of the lot that has that very sharp downward angle at the bottom of it that I can recall.
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