Brand New BFuk Jetpack Sculpt

Bobby Fett UK

Well-Known Hunter
Hi Denters, I have been waiting so very very long to reveal my new baby. I know it has been the worst kept secret :D, but now I can post the photos.

So, months back I was talking with Gino about accurate packs and it got me to thinking, which got me to looking, which got me to building :) I took my existing pack as the starting point and scaled it to the Heilman photos, using the tape measure as reference. I then started to overlay the two packs and workout the areas that did not match. I worked on this baby for months, then as I got her finished, all pleased with my self I sent the photos to some guys I really respect for accuracy and details. When they came back to me it was not the news I wanted :cry, so a few more months were spent re-working these issues to try and make this as close as possible. I have to say, it really was worth the extra effort. Thanks to those guys, and one in particular

So this is the result, my new Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack, I hope you guys like it.





The sculpt s currently in rubber :thumbsup: More details to follow.

Looking good Rob! I know what ya mean about having to revisit the plans/details... but the outcome is so much better! :thumbsup:
Awful, bloody awful!!!

Fella, it's a beauty.

Been waiting to see this baby for a while now.

You know I'm on the list already.
Awful, bloody awful!!!

Interesting you say this. Back in the Elizabethan period, "awful" actually meant what we would use "awesome" for today. It had the original meaning of what 'awe-full' should, in fact, mean -----> full of awe. Not its current meaning of nearly the exact opposite.

Any chance there is good compatibility with Serenity's aluminum rocket collar on this very nice jetpack?
WOW! where's the list. This is the jetpack I have been waiting for years. Really! years. Finally a jetpack with accuracy.

Awesome job Bee-Eff_You_K
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