New Chest Light Board Design


Active Hunter
I've gotten my new board design completed and I'm ready to start offering them to the group. The boards are available in

Version 1


and Version 2.


As you can see, I've separated the top and bottom sections to better accommodate the various slot configurations.

For Details and to purchase, please visit my web site,
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Very nice. I have had one of your boards and the display was nice and bright and the battery life was very good. I would recommend them :thumbsup:
It shouldn't. It's flexable, and you can flatten the ribbon out to keep it out of the way. If that is a concern, I can use seperate wires for each of the 6 connections.
Your price for a simple kit of a V2 says "Discontinued", what does it mean, diferent prices? or no more simple kits?

If you still do the simple kits, send me a PM with the price please ;)
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Sorry about the broken link. Sometimes I type to fast for my own good.

I can mount the ribbon on the back if you prefer it that way. Just note that in the comment section when ordering.

The price for the new design is $60 + shipping, which is the same price as the original Deluxe V1s.

KaanE, I used to make boards by hand using perf board that I referred to as Standard style, then moved to PCBs which I referred to as Deluxe style. The boards I discontinued are my original perf board Standard style.

The boards should fit in any armor that has a top slot dimension of 50 mm W x 5 mm H, and a bottom slot dimension of 50 mm W x 10 mm H.
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