**Interest** Jeremy Face Cast

:DBoth payments made. Thanks Daz and Jeremy!:thumbsup:
PM sent.
I almost passed this up myself, but I very glad that I stuck with it. Cheers for sharing this with us!:thumbsup:

What will happen with the mold when you are finished with it? Will you destroy it? or keep it? maybe Jeremy has asked for it?

I cant wait for mine.

Here are the first four copies, trimmed out and ready. The inside of each cast has a small Coldcast BM plaque embedded within it and I've numbered each one together with my signature. Jeremy will then number the main display plaque (not shown) and sign it if you have paid for the signature. The numbered plaque will then correspond to the numbered face cast.

I spoke to Jeremy today and the plan is for me to finish all the casts and plaques for the end of Jan/early Feb. I'll then drive to Jeremy's house for him to sign the plaques, I'll take some photos of this for the thread.



Hey DAZ, great idea with the photos of Jeremy signing the casts!

Is it possible to get a printed copy of one or two signing-photos so I can put them on the wall next to the cast?

Would be a great deal. Maybe you take some money for this extra. I would pay for it if it´s an option.

What do you think of it?


Wow, I just got a nice surprise when I checked my email just now. A happy new year and thanks for getting in on the facecast-mail from Jeremy Bulloch.
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