

Active Hunter
Just saw a screening of hancock which comes out today, (some early screenings). Anyway, in my opinion, the movie starts strong, but as the story moves into main plot, it seems to grow stale. While this is a very original idea, it feels like the movie was abruptly cut off, leaving something more wanted. For me, the turning point occurs at the point of ... how to say this without spoiling the film:lol:lol::lol:lol:.... when something very substantial is revealed to the audience. Here, the movie takes a turn down the wrong path in my opinion. Anyway, post responses etc... let's discuss this summertime flick.

P.S- See Iron Man and hulk b4 seeing this film. Not related to the film... just better imo. ;)
I just got back from it and I loved it!!!:thumbsup: very original and very entertaining!8) ...go see it!!!......After you see WALL-E of course:lol:lol: -------------> GRADE B+
It was okay. 6.5 out of 10. If you have already seen Wall-E, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Speed Racer, Narnia, or Harold and Kumar, then maybe go see it. Or just wait for the video.
It was an okay film for me...IMHO, when you're stuck at the theater and alone, it'll do for a hour and a half.

I though the comedy Zohan was alot better...it is an Adam Sandler flick. :)
dude....you didnt like it because you know Hancock can kick Spidermans butt..:lol:lol::lol:lol:

Yeahm for real.

That movie was fairly original and really funny.

Between Will Smith threatening to break things off into peoples places and Jason Bateman being the exact same character as Arrested Development I thought it was awesome.
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