What's your occupation?

Hey this is a great idea!! Well, I am currently a full time student at Florida State University (FSU). And for money, I work on campus and off campus for fast food. It sucks but it is a job for money. Other then that I am a fully licensed bartender and do freelancing jobs around the area. GREAT money but to random to count on. I am going for Geography degree focusing on Geology. I basically study rocks and where rocks are at. For free time....wait there is no free time. When I should be sleeping, I am working on the Fett. ROTJ all the way!!! Cheers!
I have a 2 year degree in art/design and a BA in anthropology. I came close to being an archaeologist, but didn't want to go to school for 2 more years. I currently manage a fostercare site for young adults with mental illness. Challenging job!!!

HAHA! You ALMOST sound like me! But I don't have the degrees.

I am a "starving artist". I'm trying to get my work seen more. Getting ready for a couple shows now. Hope something good comes out of them! Also just had one of my pieces published in a book. No money from it though. Hence the reason I am a "starving artist". LOL!
By day, I'm an advanced technical support specialist for Sprint. At night, I'm either DJing (although not in a strip club), or playing keyboards (also, unfortunately, not in a strip club).

I own the Starwerks Karaoke entertainment company, and I'm 'mobilizing' the business in October. I hope to make it my only source of income sometime in 2009!
By day Graphic Designer at a book publishing co. By night a freelance Illustrator. During the day I work in photoshop. By night in acrylics, oils, what ever it takes to make a painting look good.
I am a Civil Engineering consultant for the government and a sergeant in the British Army (part time).

By night however i am.........na can't tell you or i would have to kill yer :lol:
eh, well I did go to school (for a while anyways) for computer engineering lol, but I decided I needed some real life experience and started working for UPS as a sorter/unloader. Now I'm a Preload Supervisor and pretty happy with my job I go to work in the early morning and finish around 9am and have the rest of the day to goof off or do whatever, maybe in a couple years Division Manager... oooh yeah :D
I probably have THE most boring job here. I'm an Air Conditioning Duct Mechanic. Basically, I run jobs from time to time, but most of the time I install sheet metal ductwork on commercial job sites. Right now, I'm working at a local college on remodeling the Fine Arts building (the EXACT same stage I sang on when I went to that college 12 years ago.)

All this talk about going back to school (and working at the college) has made me want to go back. :) So, probably this weekend, I'm enrolling in an online film school!:thumbsup:

Let's make a movie!

Nothing too exciting, Admin Asst. But the cool thing is that we are a very small office. 3 employees and the president. It can get super hectic and crazy, but there is some flexibilty, no time clock to punch, and I can get on the internet, when possible.

I can also take over the spare office at lunch to make patterns or cut out a flightsuit or whatever.

By dark of night, you can find me huddled over my sewing machine, muahahahahah
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I worked on US Navy aircraft engines like turbo fans, turbo props and turbo shafts for about 16 years or so. After 10 yrs. of active duty I enlisted in the reserves for another 6 years but worked full time as a computer operator which involves working with Cray systems, IBM RS400s and tape silos. Later on, I worked for a financial company as a computer operator working on SQL query language and some SQL server cluster administration. Since the birth of my daughter in 2005, I have been a part-time realtor and a full-time dad...boy I really miss talking to adults and doing challenging things!
Federal Firefighter for the Navy, same kind of work as the city dose just not as many calls and gets paid a LOT better:thumbsup:

Also im the Station Chief/Team Chief for my Army Reserve unit. Im a firefighter there also. Well not so much a firefighter, more like a paper pusher these days. About to become the acting first sergeant here shortly from what im being told; but ive been told that for a while. All the responsibility none of the pay :thumbsdown:

So if anyone on the Houston area is interested in becoming a Army Reserve firefighter let me know. I know cheap plug;)
I have a 2 year degree in art/design and a BA in anthropology. D

COOL! I too have a B.A. in Anthropology. From the University of Memphis. It makes my fedora and Wested Jacket fit better!:lol: My day job, however, is Department Manager(Seasonal Dept.) for Lowe's Home Improvements here in Corbin, Ky (Birthplace of KFC). I did spend 5 years as a Casino Host at Hollywood Casino in Tunica, MS back in the 90's. DREAM JOB for a single guy, however, I was married with children. No longer have the wife, but have full custody of my son and daughter.:thumbsup: So it's ALL GOOD!
I'm a Prosthetic and Orthotic Technician.... I basically make artificial limbs and braces.... Ive also spent some time working as a Funeral Conductor... Both very challenging jobs... Not really what I expected to become after finishing my BA degree in Fine Art....
LCDR in the US Navy. I started out as an enlisted nuke on subs and then I became a nuke officer. The Navy sent me for my graduate degree in Medical Physics. Currently I am a Radiation Oncology Physicist and I run the Radiation Oncology Department at Naval Medical Center San Diego.
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