"Holiday Special" ver 2.0


Active Hunter
Many of you remember my "Holiday Special" Boba Fett that I made a while back. One of you owns that suit. :P Well I'm making a version 2.0 of it. I don't plan on being done with it for a LONG time, though, I'm keeping my real-life priorities straight, so it's going to be a long build.

However, last week I traded with a guy on another forum for a BKBT "seconds" helmet kit with this project in mind. So I'm already off to a good start, and I'm going to put my best foot forward this time and do this helmet right. The last helmet was a SGB helmet, and I painted it in less than a week because of a rushed deadline. This one, I'm going to base the paint scheme on the AoSW ESB templates, but of course in HS colors. I'm sticking with the same colors I used on my version 1.0 helmet for the main colors, but I'll be custom mixing some paints to add to the pallet, which I will be deriving from the artwork on the "Saga Legends" hasbro figure of the "Animated Debut" Fett (ie, "Holiday Special") for a more realistic look.

Anyways, like I said earlier, I traded to get a BKBT helmet. It's a seconds helmet, so I'll have to sand it down, but that's fine by me. I have to do a lot more than sand on my own castings, so this should be easy. B) Of course, I'll have to do some conversion work, so I can keep the sanding work until I'm ready to prep for paint. I do have one question: Are there any templates for the dent and correct placement of the dent? I'll have to sand some bondo work anyways. I'm also in for some work on the ear pieces. The inner right ear cap is pretty warped, so I'll have to grind off the original "backing" to it and apply a new one, but that will be easy.

I've already contacted BKBT about his RF stalks, since this particular kit did not include one, however, I do want to shop around for other options for RF and stalk. The bobamaker hollow RF and stalk is very appealing. Will the BM stalk work with the BKBT ear pieces? or should I see about getting the corresponding BM ear cap as well?

Anyways, here's the kit I got. I'm excited to take on this project, once again. :P I like the idea of applying the HS scheme to a movie helmet.

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I'm looking forward to this. I had planned to do a HS/AoSW hybrid sometime this year, but probably won't get to it. I've done a lot of work on the scratch templates for this purpose. Here's a sample of what I have so far. Let me know if you think PDFs of this scheme would be helpful.


Hey a PDF of that would be great! I was just planning on doing a little color code thing off to the side, but if you already have it all planned out, and wouldn't mind sharing, I could adapt it to my needs. I'm probably going to do a little bit of color swapping for my own color version, but the overall damage scheme is great work!
I've begun the conversion. Pretty much all that's left in the conversion step is to adjust the bottom rear edge of the helmet, and to add the dent. I'm trying to find a template of the proper location of the dent. If I can't find anything, I'll just ask around for measurements.

EDIT: Ooops, I also need to adjust the top cheek corners (by the ears), there needs to be a bit of a curve there instead of a hard 90-degree angle.



With regards to the 'Ears', you may want to get a set of RS/SS ears (If they are still being produced). That's what I used on my BKBT conversion and they fit perfect. The BKBT RF ear is a little out of proportion for a Boba Helmet (The top portion is too long, the lower portion too short), so it will need to be replaced completely. The BKBT Stalk will fit the RS/SS ear perfectly. If you are not able to get a set of Rogue Studio's ears, you can go with the BM RF ear top, however the BKBT stalk will not fit it. But that's okay since you could just get the BM RF and stalk at the same time you place the order for the ear. For the lower half of the RF ear, you will probably have to contact Sgt. Fang to see if you can get one of his, since Bobamakers are molded onto his helmets. The Sgt. Fang lower ear will mate up nicely with the BM upper ear.

And I know this isn't a template but heres a pic of the dent placement I did on my bucket. Its good to have another BKBT Boba Conversion on the boards!:cheers

Grants Pictures 157.jpg

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Well yesterday I got the helmet sanded down (whew) and I started adding all the physical damage to the helmet, courtesy of the recent posting of a certain helmet artifact. :P I'm kind of taking a few liberties with it, though, and also not quite scrutinizing the finer details... But I'm fine with that. I can only find myself humbled by a lot of you detail studiers here. :]


I also threw a coat of primer on the parts I've worked on. I have yet to finish cutting out the rear key holes, so I didn't prime that yet. Today, I mainly worked on cutting out those key holes (two more to go... stupid battery powered POS dremel), and tonight I Bondo-ed the ear pieces on (except for the top right one).



Tomorrow I'm going to finish cutting out those key holes, and then I have a few parts that I do need to fill in, then I'll prime it again, and I'll be ready to cut out the visor.

Also, I'm wondering: I wish to add the calculator chip behind the keyholes. However, if I chose to go for a home-made version, are there any readily-available parts I can buy to build a make-shift version of it with moderate accuracy? I'd rather put some work into making one myself than buying a possibly-shoddy casting of the real one.
Also, I'm wondering: I wish to add the calculator chip behind the keyholes. However, if I chose to go for a home-made version, are there any readily-available parts I can buy to build a make-shift version of it with moderate accuracy? I'd rather put some work into making one myself than buying a possibly-shoddy casting of the real one.

If you have a TV Remote that your not using anymore, you can take it apart and use the circuit board for a 'faux MQ-1'. That's what I've done and I like the nice crisp detail. Plus, tucked behind the keyslots only the most 'diehard' Fett fan would notice the difference.:)
Also, I'm wondering: I wish to add the calculator chip behind the keyholes. However, if I chose to go for a home-made version, are there any readily-available parts I can buy to build a make-shift version of it with moderate accuracy? I'd rather put some work into making one myself than buying a possibly-shoddy casting of the real one.

If you haven't seen AntMan's cardboard MQ-1 based on wizardofflight's template, you really should. Looks like a fun project, too. I'd be tempted to make it out of plastic, like a for sale sign, instead of cardboard.

Helmet is ready for paint.

Over the past few days I've also been working on a home-made RF and home-made MQ-1 circuit board. I used WoF's template for the circuit board and built it out of some sheet styrene and copper wires. I got all the details on it, or at least all the details that WoF highlighted in his template. It's quite intricate, and I'm quite proud of it. Too bad more than 50% of it will be hidden. LOL

The RF is a combination of the WoF templates and my own templates. I also modified WoF's templates to include an extra surface on the outer shell (the bottom curved surface) that the standard templates do not. This piece is also made out of sheet styrene, so it's very lightweight and won't cause my RF to flop down on me. I've just thrown a quick coat of primer on it, so it's not ready to paint yet. I'm going to slosh in some fiberglass resin for a little extra strength, but it will still be really lightweight. I also need to start on the electronics for it (working LEDs), and I have the stalk somewhat in progress as well.

Anyways, as I said, the helmet is ready for paint. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to start painting so it can sit overnight and let the primer fully cure.



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Hey dude, way to go on the MQ-1 board!! :eek: Looks GREAT! And doesn't it feel great too, knowing that you've constructed this little piece of circuitry yourself?! 'Grats bro! :cheers

Just to keep the record straight: the template for the MQ-1 board is not mine. It is a template courtesy of Wizardofflight (WOF), located here:


I merely used it in my thread, all credit should go to him in this case.

Keep up the great work man!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Peter 8)


"With great power comes great responsibility"
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Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the heads up on the correct owner of the template! I went ahead and changed it in my post.

And thanks for the comment. And yeah, it does feel good!
Man, I was so impressed with your first effort on this. I have seen a couple of other people try it and it always looks... well... cartoony. You really did a great job of translating it to the real world and I am looking forward to seeing where you take this one!
Got the base colors laid out today. The colors I used are as follows

Krylon Peekaboo Blue (1517 - new color) for most of the helmet.
KILZ Calling Bird for the visor (this is the original paint I used on v1)
KILZ Monterey Blue for the upper cheeks (original paint for v1 cheeks)

I also dusted both KILZ colors with a custom gray mix via airbrush to darken them down. The Peekaboo and the Calling Bird are ALMOST identical, but the Calling Bird is just barely darker and more vibrant, so I darkened it to get a better contrast. This will definitely help with achieving the look seen on the HS figure's packaging.

Now the fun part! Damage! I'm gonna do it all topical here. I'll also need to touch up the bottom area of the upper cheeks, but I'm just going to brush some of the paint I used in there by hand before I damage it up.


Starting to apply the damage. I'm painting it on topically, using custom mixed colors, and I'm going by Count Dookie's ESB damage templates.

Wow, that's looking sweet! I really like those base colors.
Are the KILZ colors you mentioned the same KILZ they sell as a "cover everything" primer?? I didn't even know they made a line of colors.
The weathering is looking great, too! Count D's templates are really excellent, and the color translation to the HS version is very cool looking.
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