Ouch! This hurts...


Active Hunter
Just watch for yourself.

I can't watch it anymore.

I really hope this didn't happen to a member here...

Warning: Very Mild Language...

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I just had to share the pain...

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She ain't getting a ring now, for sure!!!! Dang, I think my Blood Pressure just shot sky high!!! AARRRGGGG!!! What a wench! I'd send her butt seaworthy!

ok, that was just incredible. does anyone recognise them or the house? Nice collection though. As horrible as it is for me to say this, don;t fret too much about it, i initially thought it was one of the kotobukyia ones, but he is sitting all wrong. The Koto statue sits on the side of the bike, this one is straddling it so it makes me believe that it's the kenner statue they released years ago.

Still, i'm pretty sure if that had been my collection she would be out of the street holding the ashes of her wardrobe when i got home. What a horrible, calculated and malicious act. What are the chances he didn't actually "gamble" all his money or touch any "prostitutes?" Pretty high i'd say.
SAD...... truly sad
Karma is going to be a sour taste to the three of them when it catches up to them......
What gets me is that I am sure she knows(or has an idea) how much he has invested,so why not sell it for the money she apparently needs and desires.
I noticed that almost 70,000 ppl have viewed it in only two weeks.I read over the comments and saw nothing from the boy friend.I did notice that out 1856 only two or three send praises the rest shared disagreement.
i would love to tie the knot with her, but the knot would be a noose!!!! what a *****!!! if she does not respect his collection , she does not respect him...... dont let the door hit in the a$$ on the way out!!
I'm sure she knew about his collection and why did she say yes when he proposed without a ring anyway? She must've really loved the guy to say yes without a ring and if she did care about the guy, she would've been more respectful of his property. Really stupid and immature!
Oh, Holy &*%@!!!!! What a SCHUTTA!!!! I could only watch up to the first bash and I almost had a panic attack! That wench needs to be fried with lightning until she's as ugly as Sidious, and thrown into the sarlacc for a thousand years of suffering for that crime.
I'm a girl, and I would soooooo love getting a nice, shiney Stormtrooper helmet from a guy over a shiney bit of metal and rock.
First thing that came to my mind was, maybe using the excuse "I'm going to Vegas" to go buy her the ring he "owes" her. lol, still pretty scary, I hope that is all she broke, nothing more.
First, That was just WRONG.

Second, Time for dude to get some working locks for his display cases.

Third, Time for dude to get a new girl friend.
Allegedly crimes of passion have a lighter sentence than cold blooded... she deliberately set that up.. cold blooded...

If he came home, saw what she did, and put an axe into her... passion... ergo there would be a little lenience... besides she deserves it... what a ho bag.

Puts new definition on wanting to give her a shotgun wedding...
I think it's a staged video, too stupid and makes no sense.:facepalm Then again, never under estimate the stupidity of the general population.:rolleyes
For a second I thought she was gonna go for the full set! $$expensive display cabinets + Baseball bat = carnage! :cry
Hope he kicked her to the curb...
I could not watch this video all the way through. Everywhere I have seen this video surface, the comments crucify this person. One of my friends downloaded a copy of it as it is iron-clad proof of vandalism.
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