Who makes the best jet pack?

Who makes the best rocket pack?

I have decided that Boba will be my next suit (I have an ESB Vader currently) and have already purchased the MR Boba helmet. The next purchase will be the jet pack. I have seen many fabricators (BM, MOW, MLC, etc.) I would like to hear from those outher there in the know as to who makes the most accurate, most durable JP for the money and why? Please don't flame anyone here; I'm merely trying to make an informed decision on which JP I should spend my hard earned money.
Welcome to TDH!:cheers I will not state which one is better than the other because it could start a very nasty debate that I do not wish to be a part of. So let me say this: you have identified 3 prop makers who all make superb :jet packs. I would encourage you to take a look at the 'jet pack' section in the TDH image gallery so you can see some of the different prop makers' finished products. I would also suggest looking for some threads in this very forum as this topic (or a similar topic) may have come up.
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They all have their ups and downs. In person I've seen the BM and the MLC, I like them both. It's all a matter of opinion.
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