My Boba Fett helmet using AntMan's building tips.


Well-Known Hunter
Hi guys!

I'm new here at TDH, and I was watching AntMan's second cardboard helmet scratch build.
I made a Boba Fett helmet using Skip's Papekura design, but this model was made of paper, so I wasn't satisfied with the weak structure of it.

Here is the helmet.


So I started the helmet build again, now using Wizard OF Flight's templates combined with Skip's papekura helmet. The materials used are 2mm cardboard from some unused document holders and 0,5 mm cardboard from other type of document holder, for glueing I used superglue, and for the visor I found a black transparent paper dossier.

I don't want to start a new how-to-build thread, I just want to show you my steps of scratch building.

After I printed the templates, I used carbon paper to transfer them on the cardboard.

Here are the inner and the outer parts of the helmet.


I didn't used AntMan's cardboard water-bending instructions, instead I made some vertical stripes with a used ballpen on the back of the parts needed for bending, then with care I used step by step pressure on each helmet part until I get the desired form.
Then with care I glued them together.

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Thanks to Little Boba Fett, a was able to do all this for now.


Ow! By the way, I mentioned that I'm a PaperCraft fanatic?
Here they are!


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Today I made the Rangefinder and the base of the right earpiece. The building steps are similar to AntMan's instructions, but I used Skip's papekura design to cover the earpieces.

Here are some images:

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As soon as I will make other parts of the helmet, the images will be posted here.

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Hi again!
I'm back sooner then expected.

I glued on the cheakbones on both sides, then glued on the rangefinder upper half right earpeace. You can see that this part is covered with thin 0,5mm cardboard made from Skip's slightly modified templates. The dome half rings are also glued on top of the helmet.

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I'll get back soon as I finish other remaining parts of the helmet.

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Yesterday I finished the lower part of the right earpiece and the left earpiece using WOF's and Skip's templates (again).

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Then I focused on the construction of the keyhole pattern and the MQ-1 circuit board. For the MQ-1 I used 2mm cardboard and two types of staples for the connector bridges and the 'legs' for the CPU.

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I'll get back soon as I make new parts.
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I'm back with new images of my construction stages.
Yesterday I painted the MQ-1 circuit board, but not in full red as seen on AntMan's first cardboard helmet build. I used a realistic paint of an original circuit board. And as you can see in the images, I remade the keyhole with an extra rim on 3 sides.

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Today I made a cut in the rear of the helmet, then glued in the keyhole with the MQ-1 mounted with 4 screws for a quick detach.

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Then it was time to glue on the remaining ear pieces

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I left the dome for the last part of the construction, because it's the part where you need the most attention. After I bended all 3 parts, I used paper strips to glue each slice from inside.

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And here is the helmet with the dome done.

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I made the final cuts on the helmet for the visor, then installed the visor temporarily with duct tape.

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That's it for now. I'll get back as soon as I made the next step.

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Amazing work! Your skills with paper are definitely helpful with this. Your dome turned out basically perfect! I'm very much looking forward to seeing more. Keep it up!
Hi there!

Today I made small adjustments to my helmet. I made a cut for the dent on the helmet, then with a bigger cardboard circle I sealed it from the inside. Made the arrows on front of the helmet, and added the two small items to the cheekbones. And last, I filled the right upper earpiece near to the helmet dome.

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nice but how you gonna make the dent?

The dent will be made after it is filled with filling material, then carved with the right tool. Check out AntMan's first thread on how to do it here
I think that I must deepen the hole for the dent.

It looks great nice job
where can I find Skip's Papekura design?

Thanks a lot!
You can find Skip's papekura design here at this thread
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Hi again!

Yes, I made a deeper hole for the dent, then made some fixing clips with screws for the visor.

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See you soon!

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