
Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Well I finally got up the testicular fortitude to start my WIP thread. I will be posting some pics within the next week due to me only working on it on the weekends(and not having too many parts). the bucket is almost done with the visor installed as well as the MQ-1. As soon as I get my rf light parts the rf will be done. The guants are almost done, just need to decide what to,do with the remote rf parts ( they need redone and I don't know if I want to spend the time making new circuits). As soon as my BM armor comes I will order my FS. I just hoping that they look good on me (I'm concerned with scale since I'm 6'4"), if they don't fit then I'll go with RKD armor. Anywho, I'll get pics up as soon as I can and I look forward to getting feedback and guidance since I have never done anything like this and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Necro-ing my old WIP thread. I will post some pics later tonight.
Here are pics of my FP armor painted by fett4real.


Well DL, you had a backlog and Dom took my sideshow premium format HIC in trade. Too bad the USPS lost it, so I ended up paying him anyway.
No worries bro. I am going to be nice to you. From now on because I may need a jetpack painted lol.
I should be getting my flight suit soon then all I need is a jp, harness, and to weather all my soft parts. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It's been a while since I've posted anything here.image.jpg

Here is my Arkady flightsuit weathered by 22splt.
My sidearm and EE-3, there are the first props that I built and painted myself, so be kind lol. I'm pretty happy with them, even though there are some issues with them.
Ok, here is my first time wearing the full (minus a few things) suit. I forgot to attach the thrusters and missile before I had everything on, and the servo kit wasn't installed so the servo wire fell down out of the helmet. The jp waist belt is a bit crooked (I have the sidearm hanging from it) and I didn't see it until after the pic was taken. I am going to move the hole in the cape so the collar stud can be seen. I had to roll up the vest about 2 inches to get the spacing between the vest and the girth belt. I am more than likely going to have Carole alter the vest, she said she would (because she is awesome!). I have a new girth belt on the way so I can get better spacing in the back.
Let me know what you think and be gentle lol.


Looks good, Justin!

I think one of the bigger things that sticks out for me is that the center diamond looks really small for some reason. Maybe it's the spacing? Are the shoulders too low?

Aside from that I think it's pretty close. Maybe a little more weathering (I could always use a little more
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