Does anyone else weather their stuff like I do?


Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys/gals... aside from the weathering we do in the shop or studio... do you guys weather your stuff any other way?

I was doing landscaping today and without even thinking... threw on my biker gloves. A person I was working with asked me "What kind of gloves are those? They look like motorcycle gloves..." and then it hit me... I honestly didn't think anything of it... I just threw them on because I knew they were going to get a little natural wear and that was that. He thought I was looney when I tried explaining it to him.

I've heard crazy stories of Fetts rolling around in oily driveways or customs throwing rocks at their armor.

What are some crazy ways you guys weather your gear?

To make the tears and holes in my cape my girlfriend laid it on some concrete stairs, took a file and dragged it across a few times to get some nice natural looking shredding.
I put mine on and started a fight with the old lady...needless to say it got weathered! just kidding! What's up Branden!
I weathered my cape by smashing it with a ball-peen hammer as opposed to cutting the edges. nice random wear
for dirt and grime on the cloth parts, i always use paint.
I actually wipe my flightsuit into the rims of my car before every troop. Looks real, b/c it IS real...
I've done a bit of minor ruffing things up naturally, but in general I try to control the damage so that it matches the screen used stuff. If I whack my armor on a rock it's going to get nice looking damage, but it won't be accurate damage :)
Whats up wooooooody!?

@Justin... thats a good idea... get a lil bit of that brake dust and what not, I bet that looks good bro. Can't wait to see you at otakon!

before i weathered my scout I would put the pieces on and walk against brick walls to get scuff marks in it. They were subtle but had scuffs in places where they would be. I also put the knees on and slid across the ground before i painted em up hahaha

I am a big fan of the dust that collects on everything in my woodshop it's what I use to weather my ESB capes.
I love charcoal dust for getting a grimey look. Ash from the grill works good for the black soft parts. My metal armor got drug across the concrete floor in the garage at work and had the salt/sand mix used to treat roads for ice kinda ground into it. For the tattered ends on cloth, I like to take my hand grinder to it while it is on the floor or one of my homemade work benches. I almost never use paint for weathering cuz I suck at that too much :p.
I've been known to scrub my decking with a coarse brush, throw water down on top of it and rub my snowie costumes hem all over it :)

This gives a great dirty realistic stain on the edges of cloth.

Take rough sandpaper and tea bags to corner pieces too
I want my suit to look randomly weathered... but to have the same look every single time... I' m a wee bit of a control freak... Paint and exacto knifes for me.. my suit looks dirty, but smells like washing powder...
I've done a bit of minor ruffing things up naturally, but in general I try to control the damage so that it matches the screen used stuff. If I whack my armor on a rock it's going to get nice looking damage, but it won't be accurate damage :)

Ditto. I do my best to match dent for dent, scratch for scratch. When it comes to weathering soft parts, I've been known to do a bit of dragging through the dirt but it's mostly painted weathering on mine so that it matches the screen and is permenant.
Dit-ditto on the above :p

I was talking about most of my costums in general.. ditto webchief on the Fett-man...
When I got my flightsuit I went out to the garage and literally used it to clean every square inch of my lawn mower. There is all kinds of grease and grime and dirt and whatnot on a mower after a couple of years.

For my gloves, vest and pouches I popped the hood on the car and rubbed them around the engine department.

Cape was pre-weathered by Woody!
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