How do you prevent sweating while trooping?

So as the thread implies, I'm interested to know how people keep the sweat to a minimum. I know of troopers that put small fans in their helmets, but what about other areas in the body? Particularly the armpit region (I'm worried about sweating too much there and getting that pit stain stuff that doesn't go away even if you wash it regularly). It's not a big deal for me yet (my Boba is still in developement), but once I spend all this money in supplies and stuff, I'd hate to see stuff like the jumpsuit get stains if preventable. I'm interested in other ways how you guys keep cool in those outfits out while you're out and about.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
If u get an answer I'd love to here it. Even in a ac environment I sweat in fett. I air out my suit after . Have not had any stain issues yet :)
unfortunately where I'm from, weather is neither consistently cold or hot lol. stormtrooperguy, does the under armor keep the sweat off the jumpsuit and flak vest well?

on a dreamer's note; it would be cool if, like electric blanket technology, there were a cool electric flack vest that could be adjusted with the gauntlet calculator lol. A hopeful bounty hunter can dream...
I trooped here in Brisbane and the Gold Coast on the weekend, and I did wear a t-shirt under the jumpsuit but still sweated through the jumpsuit but not to bad considering it was a bit warm. I really don't think there is anything to do to prevent it apart from getting a cooling vest like some vaders do. I guess just a t-shirt or under armour as STG suggested.
I use short sleeve wick-away under garments made by Merona. Works good but hot days are just gonna be sweaty days. I recommend that you stay physically fit or do some cardio and stay very hydrated to keep the sweating down when you troop. I'm a runner so it works better for me when I troop. Also, lay off the beer the night before LOL; your body will purge alcohol through sweat.
Hey Archaster- Stormtrooperguy is right on the money. Sweating (evaporative cooling) is the human body's way of keeping the system from overheating. Especially if the humidity is great where you live. Wearing under armor is a great way to control where the sweat pools, as well as keeping you cool and comfortable. As far as limiting the amount you sweat..well, just shy of removing your eccrine/ apocrine glands...this may be difficult:)...stick w/ a good quality under armor.(y)
guys, this is great information! I'd have to do more research on that cool shirt thing but as long as something, like under armor, that helps reduce sweat getting on the flight suit (I know I'm gonna get hot in there but as long as I can keep it mostly away from the suit I'm good) is something I will definitely utilize, either one or the other, in my suit.

Thanks for the help guys! And anyone else who has other creative ideas, please post them up! It's good to know different ways about how to keep things comfortable while trooping. Thrax, good call on keeping hydrated. I don't consume alcohol too often so I don't have much to worry about there but I'll keep that in mind before my first troop!
Three words: Personal Coolant System. They are SERIOUSLY expensive, but well worth it, especially for full-body suits like Fett, troopers, and Wookies. Most especially if you live in a really hot area like I do.
Just go as the Kamino Jango and periodically have someone spray you with water to achieve the "Fighting Obi Wan in a storm" look. You will stay cool all day:D
Just go as the Kamino Jango and periodically have someone spray you with water to achieve the "Fighting Obi Wan in a storm" look. You will stay cool all day:D

lol. Unfortunately I plan on either classic ROTJ Boba or SE (still fighting to figure it out) but either way it's sand, sand, sand lol.
I use Under Armor as well. I did one troop last year that it was 95 degrees and sunny. I have a helmet fan in the helmet and it helped my head. I have a "coolmax shorty" on my head which helps with the sweat dripping down my face. As far as the flightsuit getting sweaty, its gonna happen. Can't get around it. I was a little uncomfortable that day but not too bad. I just have to wash the flightsuit after a couple of troops and "re-weather" it. Not bad at all. The key is to drink enough but not too much. You HAVE to make sure you drink enough fluids otherwise you will have more serious issues other than a sweaty Fett.
I might add that in hot environments, when trooping, it is best to drink water that has calium, sodium and magnesium. These are the things you sweat out, and will cause you problems. Also, if the drink you are drinking is cold, it will not be absorbed by your body, but will go through your body and sweat out immediately...
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