Exploring ESB & ROTJ Chest Light Display


Well-Known Hunter
Let's start with the LEDs of the display itself.

From reference photos we can be pretty certain that the Top consists of 20 red vertical rectangular LEDs that are grouped in five sets of four. Now, whether the top 20 LEDs are 20 individual rectangular LEDs isn't clear, however what we can conclude it that it isn't 5 horizontal rectangular LEDs (see animation). However I believe that the Top is a 20 LED lightbar that looks like this

For the Bottom there are 5 red Digit LEDs. Each Digit is made up of Seven rectangular bars that flash ON and OFF individually. The digits have what appears to be a 10 degree angle to them giving them an italic look to them.

Also note that the last Digit on the Bottom is partially covered up by the armor.

Using the above image and scaling it to the dimensions of the 20 LED lightbar (also above), the chest slots for the display should look something like this

Now, lets move on to ESB
The Top sequence is pretty much 100% conclusive being displayed in this animation provided by Art Andrews. This sequence can clearly be seen in ESB during the Carbon Chamber scene.

While the flashing sequence is accurate, the 5 horizontal rectangular LEDs are a bit misleading in the design.

Shown here in this first photo we can clearly make out 4 separate vertical rectangular LEDs that make up one square, so to speak. It also shows us the first sequence for the Bottom Digits.

This bottom sequence is using 4 of the 5 available digits. I cannot tell if the 5th digit is being used, but I speculate it isn’t. In conclusion, this is the first sequence for the Bottom Display

Let's move on to the next available reference photo

Hmmm, tuff call. It is possible that the second Digit has some of the LEDs off, but it's too iffy to tell for certain. This is a common display seen outside of the Torture Room scene in ESB. My only assumption here is that all the Digit LEDs are ON and one thing or another is causing an illusion that some may be OFF. Not very scientific, but hey, what can you do.

Reference Photo No. three

This is a nice photo as to which LEDs are on in each Digit. It appears to be pretty clear. It's hard to make out but it appears that the fifth digit has one LED bar on, that may be the one that is hiding under the armor. My conclusion, is this

Reference photo No. four

This one is a little tricky as it has the white glare covering part of the 4th Digit and the 5th digit. However the rest of the sequence appears to be pretty easily determined

Last but not least reference photo No. 5 for ESB

While similar to Ref photo No. 4, it does have some differences. This one is also very hard to make out since it is so blurry, but this is what I make out

Finally, with no real Reference photo, but using consistency with the Top and the suggestion that 'the lights where OFF or BROKEN during this scene' I give you the sixth sequence

Please note that these are just my interpertaion

Now let's move to ROTJ

Wait, did I say ROTJ? Isn't widely believed that the lights where OFF or not functional during the filming of ROTJ? Well let's put that to rest.

The only Reference photo we have of a 'clear' Bottom sequence for ROTJ is this one

This is a production photo taken (I assume during) the filming of ROTJ. While not conclusive in itself that the lights were ON in the movie, it does give us insight to the 7th and sequence that is known to date. It also proves that at one point, the lights were quite functional at this time. So, without further ado, I give you the 7th sequence

Now let's move on.
Most recently ROTJ had become available on TV in HD for those luckily enough to watch and record it. Art Andrews provided several screen grabs from this HD presentation available here http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/reference/. Upon close, and I mean close examination, I am 100% certain that the lights were in fact on throughout ROTJ. Due to lighting, dim LEDs, short screen time, poor angles, and very little close-ups the lights are near impossible to see. But they can be seen.

I blew up the following photos by 300% and played with the red and magenta hues to bring out the color more. They give zero insight to what is being displayed, but they are enough for me to say that the lights where indeed on, Top & Bottom. Here is what I came up with (All photos are from ROTJ Jabba's Palace, SE shots excluded)
A faint hint of a red glow in the bottom sequence


Fett raises is blaster in response to the thermal detonator (which upons Art's close eye, is just the silver weathering of the armor)



Faintly see the glow of the top Sequence

The original photos are
Rotj_HD_006, Rotj_HD_007, Rotj_HD_016, Rotj_HD_017, Rotj_HD_021, Rotj_HD_022, Rotj_HD_036, feel free to take a look at them yourself.

-Edit Corrected Bad URLs





Chest Vers2 37.jpg



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I do believe that the top sequence and the bottom sequence display independently from each other. It is plausible that the Top can be turned ON/OFF while leaving the Bottom OFF/ON, however it doesn't seem likely that this feature would be useful as far as filming goes, so I cannot conclude that this would have been done

The Top LEDs repeats through six different 'sequences' (the sixth being ALL OFF), while the bottom has at least seven. Being at odds with the top provides the possibility that the two won't always be together.

Since we cannot make out the lights in ROTJ, we can only assume that it is the same display patterns seen in ESB.



Attached are PDFs of the Top Sequence via the 20 LED Lightbar
The second is a 1:1 template of the cut out slots for the Chest Light display w/Dimensions and a diagram of the 'correct' style LED Digit for the Bottom.


  • Chestlightstemplate.pdf
    18.6 KB · Views: 523
  • ChestlightsTopBar.pdf
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Maybe one day we'll finally know the sequence for sure. This is definitely an important step.

And I'll vouch for Fettronics. I have one and I love it.
For the Bottom there are 5 red Digit LEDs. Each Digit is made up of Seven rectangular bars that flash ON and OFF individually. The digits have what appears to be a 10 degree angle to them.


Seven, the 10 Degrees are you referring to the italicized angle of the number or in increment of the numeric light bar from left to right? Because the last Number bar seems that the left top light bar extends further upward than the other 8 bars. Is it possible they have some that are literally just like a lower case B?
Seven, the 10 Degrees are you referring to the italicized angle of the number or in increment of the numeric light bar from left to right?

I do mean the 'italicized' angle of the LED Digits.

Because the last Number bar seems that the left top light bar extends further upward than the other 8 bars. Is it possible they have some that are literally just like a lower case B?

The Last digit is a full '8' (made of 7 Light bars). I do see where you can see a lower case 'b', however I have never seen an LED digit made this way. In Ref photo 4, you can see the red glow above the glare-square of the fifth digit. There is a bit of 'dirt' or paint spatter in this corner on the tinted window.
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So I finally sat down and went through your impressive research. What can I say but bravo!!! This is a great consolidation of all the knowledge that is out there PLUS some pretty impressive new discoveries!

There are only three areas of concern for me.... and these are just "concerns" not that I am saying you are wrong.

1) I am not convinced the top bars are a single 20 LED unit, but would need to test it to see. To me, the lit reference seems to show that the lights are closer together than seen on the 20 LED bar... however, when you look at the unlit reference, it does strongly resemble the part you listed... so you might be right... and if so, it would be a LOT easier than stacking all the LEDs individually.

2) My second area of concern has to do with the dimensions of the slots. I am just going to have to sit down with the LEDs and check it, but based on the bottom digits, it seems to me that the slots are too wide... but I haven't verified that yet. You may be correct.

3) The photo where you point out the "lights" when Fett raises his gun aren't lights but the weathering on the chest armor. However, I do agree that the top bar seems to be lit when Boba is standing to the right of Jabba, which is something I had never noticed!

This is some very very cool info and will be helpful to all! I need to go ahead and pick up one of those 20 bar LEDs and see what I think and then will need to talk to fettronics about picking up a board!
Necro posting I know.

I have been looking at these sequences since I am in the market for lights. I think I found a new sequence that needs to be added. Look at this pic.


Notice the top bar has two segments on, and the bottom display looks like a new sequence. What does everyone think?
Ok I have been looking at this stuff too long. :) I think I noticed something else. While looking at the Bespin hallway scene the display doesn't look like it changes at all. Now I guess that the cycle time could be very long between changes, but I thought it would be a little faster than that. Of course this was just my observation as well and others may see it differently. Oh Star Wars on Blu Ray you can't come fast enough.
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