Why did you choose to do an PrePro, ESB, ROTJ, ROTJ SE....

Rotj was the first SW movie i can remember seeing. and i loved boba fett in that except the sarlac part. george always kills the cool bad guys in some dumb way. darth maul anyone????

i love the color scheme of the ROTJ boba, then came the SE where you could wear the best helmet ESB with the best armor ROTJ. best of both worlds. i want to get a fp helmet and i going to paint it ROTJ so i will have both SE and ROTJ!!!
I heard it was between episode III and IV ANH!!!!!!! Which would mean maybe....just maybe...they will do him up pre-pro style!!!!! I'm guessing ESB though, but who the heck knows????

I stand corrected, you're right Jango's Kid! I should've double checked!:lol: So, if it is between EP III and IV, then maybe, just like you said, they might do a Pre Pro, maybe ESB. They may also base it on ANH (ROTJ SE). But I digress!:lol:
When I first found this site, I found much better reference pics for ROTJ and SE. So I started ROTJ, and then switched to SE when I found I liked the ESB bucket much better.
Two words, extendable flame-thrower!

That is my older version of my costume, everything has been replaced but the gauntlets. (but the flame-thrower has been upgraded to all metal instead of resin like in this pic.)

that is too cool for words.........
nicely done my friend!!!


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ESB, because as an old fart i was able to see all the movies in the theatres the time they got released. So ESB was really Fetts first appearance (in the movies) back then. And ESB is my favorite of the Saga, Fett looked the coolest,and the ROTJ suit only reminds me of Fetts goofy death. And personally speaking the ESB costume offers more detail.
ESB because that was the first time I saw Boba Fett on the big screen of the original release, while I was sitting in the aisle of an over crowded theater as a kid.
i was 1 when esb came out, and 4 for rotj, so i kind of remember jedi from when i was a kid (i think my first really clear movie memory came from when i was 4, when i watched the old black and white version of "the blob." that scared me for weeks.), i think i had my first sexual thought watching rotj back in '83. slave leia... mmmmmmm.....

anyway, as much as i love esb now, growing up i ended up watching jedi about a billion times more often. so between that and the fact that i truly despise the SE (to the core of my being), i had to go rotj.

well that, and when i got started, there were a lot of esb's being made, i noticed the imbalance between the the two and just had to be different.
What is this SE everyone keeps talking about? I am pretty sure the movies were only released once, back in the 70's-80's...

I think if I were to do another suit I would probally do a pure ESB (movie style not ASOW). But I am also a big fan of the Pre-pro1 suitand will undoubtly do at least a helmet of that.
used to be heavy return of the jedi when i was younger. i did notice the differences early on starting with the action figures being different from the pictures.

then as i grew up i leaned towards esb. i just think he looks cooler. It's his first appearance, he's more menacing. In rotj, he falls into a pit.

I want to be the costume that captured solo in carbonite, not tied up luke for 10 seconds fell over, fell into a pit, and screamed.

i would have screamed too....but i'm not boba fett.
To me there is so much that both have to offer.

Gauntlets-ROTJ (just a better color)
Cape-ESB (just pimp)
Jet Pack-ESB (hands down better than the carnival reject that is the ROTJ)
Gloves- Prepro are probably the coolest
Helmet-ESB (it beats the random one)
Wookie braids-Rotj (more detail)
Blaster-Your call as both are pretty friggin awesome
Side arm- One choice
Flightsuit-ROTJ (I mean come on! Blue???)
Badest of all I would say the White Super Trooper Concept
I can vividly recall watching all 3 movies at the Mann's Chinese Theater in CA. Of all 3 movies my favorite and most watched was ESB. I went through 2 VHS tapes of it when I was a kid. My BF's Dad worked at 20th Century Fox and we got to see Empire before it was completed and released in the theater, and we also got copies of the movie on BetaMax in the early 80's. That is when I first saw Fett, that is when I wanted to be Fett.
Unfortunately, I never knew about this site until talking to PredatorMV at Celebration IV in CA, now I'm building my dream with the help of many on this board.
Well as a kid, I always liked Bespin Luke... and I thought ESB was the best of the SW films (3 at the time)

then as a young adult I thought Boba was cool... but didn't think much about making a costume, then one day my bro went to Toronto and took a Pic with a few TK's and I thought cool I got to get one of those... I did some research and bought FX armor:facepalm

a few Years went by and I found Mark Bradley's site also BYOBF and As you wish. (TDH.)

None of the Fetts were 100% accurate, but some were okay.. Motorfish, Natty, Fettpride, Webchief, Braks... were the names the I recall.

To make a long story short, These past years many of the makers of fett wares have far better/accurate props to offer, so I bit the bullet.

I chose ESB due to the lack of info Ref. cause I like a chalange.. plus I don't like the tecnocolor look of ROTJ.
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