Why did you choose to do an PrePro, ESB, ROTJ, ROTJ SE....


Well-Known Hunter
I have seen many people feel very strongly about which Boba they want to do. My one question is why? Why do you want to make your armor look like which one?

This is meant to be a fun discussion.

My answer: When I first watched the movies, I did not know there where 2 different suits used the movies and the with SE a third. The first person that I saw in armor was Bobafettish. I was blown away at how nice it was. Some of you old guys know what I mean. To me that is what Boba should look like.
I didn't like the ESB gauntlets
The ROTJ flamethrower looked cooler
at the time, all there was were ESB peeps all over this forum
I like the ESB version because it reminds me of what a bamf boba is and ESB is my favorite of the series. sometimes the ROTJ boba makes me think about him going out like a punk and getting batted into the sarlaac pit. :p

and i think the color scheme of ESB is better, and i love the sidearm
I'm not done with my armor yet but I am getting there. I like the ESB suit better because it seems more unified. The greens of his armor, I liked the grayish-blue suit better. I also like the ESB blaster better as well, and the sidearm! :D Te yellow kill stripes, the stripe on the cape... overall I just like his appearance in ESB. Seems more camo ready, more serious. I will admit, the ROTJ pack is BEAUTIFUL, the detail of it... I wish the ESB pack had a little more flare to it. Obviously every Fett is awesome but that is why I chose to go with ESB after the long painstaking decision making process. haha

I went with ESB because I love the movie. IN ESB, Boba is quiet, mysterious, dangerous, and *talks back to Vader*!! I'd also agree with El1te, the suit seems more unified than the ROTJ one. And I'm sure people will disagree, but I do NOT like the colour scheme on the ROTJ backpack. It's just so....different.

In ROTJ, as much as I love some of the elements of the suit, he went out like punk. And I hate that. :(

And every other Boba in my area is a ROTJ. That might have had something to do with it too. ;)

RotJ was the first of the movies that I was really old enough to look at closely. I went to ESB in the theater and enjoyed it (i was 4), but RotJ I was old enough (7) to REALLY get into it.

so that's the one that's sort of branded in my head.
A trickey one this for me :lol:
I saw esb 1st if memory serves me correct then saw rotj ,but when your young and dont know any better in the colour diffrence then its a whole new ball game .
I had initailly started rotj but again when i got the MR esb lid to start off i might as well have been the holiday special fett but i just couldnt get on with the spats ,so i did my research and decided to go esb :D i just like the whole colour change myself ;)
Well, for me, I brought photo's to a beautiful girl, and asked for her opinion. She chose the armour from ROTJ, and while I love the ESB helmet, I went towards SE Fett. I only hope that I can finish it someday...
For me it is afew things... the dammage to the armor. to me it looks alot cleaner & professional... if that makes since. also i perfer the blaster & sidearm. the blaster looks to me to be a much more realistic gun (like the trooper stirlings)and alot meaner looking. the rifle is also alot cleaner and taken care of like a professional would take care of the tools he depends on, unlike the rusted up one that is what we see in ROTJ. same deal with the jet pack. the ESB jet pack has what you would expect for dammage while still being taken care of. while the ROTJ one just looks down right neglected.
so those are my reasons behind picking & sticking with ESB
I chose ESB, because I really looked up to Graeme, Jango_Fett_JR. I even look up to him to this day, one reason why my Stormtrooper will be ESB Elite. I always wanted to befriend him, and I still feel horrible about his brother's death.

To me, my first Fett was a FrankenFett becuase I really didn't know there was a difference, but when I started to refine my costume, it turned to ESB because Graeme's costume looked so cool, even though there was little to no reference for ESB.
Even though the ESB movie IS the best of the OT, and much better Fett scenes, I chose ROTJ. The Jet Pack, the blaster, The hoses on the gauntlets, the non-conformities of the colors..... Just love the look...
Two words, extendable flame-thrower!

That is my older version of my costume, everything has been replaced but the gauntlets. (but the flame-thrower has been upgraded to all metal instead of resin like in this pic.)


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I think part of the reason I started off with ESB, is cause back in the day, there were only like 5 of us working on an ESB & I kinda wanted to be different. Plus, ESB has been my fav movie since I was like 6, so I had to go with that version. I always loved the cape, green gauntlets/jp, and blaster as well. RTOJ always looked too clowny for me.
I started my SE Fett because ROTJ was always my fav Star Wars movie. My aunt gave me the original trilogy on VHS when I was only 5 years old. I watched all the movies that week. Boba Fett's ROTJ armor always stood out to me most. I think the ROTJ jet pack is totally awesome. I also prefer the ROTJ gauntlets and cape. But of course, the ESB helmet looks alot cooler. So I chose SE.
I chose ROTJ because I like the flame thrower on the left gauntlet better than ESB and the gauntlets match the color of the visor area of the helmet. Another reason is the new Star Wars TV series coming in late 2009 as Boba will be part of it all. Since the series will be around the time after Chapter VI, I'm thinking that LFL will base his appearance on the ROTJ scheme since that was the last chapter that he was seen in.
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I heard it was between episode III and IV ANH!!!!!!! Which would mean maybe....just maybe...they will do him up pre-pro style!!!!! I'm guessing ESB though, but who the heck knows????
For me, there will be ROTJ SE. I love the ROTJ armour and gauntlets. But the helmet in ROTJ has a hasty paintjob compared to the ESB bucket. So since there was a SE ed. that combined those parts, i just loved it. Though i have to make me a ESB and a ROTJ bucket, since i love the battle damage on the ROTJ bucket.
for me, it was I was a fan of ROTJ because of my age at the time it came out.

I didnt remember much of ESB Boba. I remembered him from ROTJ. Also, being a girl, I like the pretty colored Jet Pack :p Blue is my favorite color.

and when I started working on it, a lot of people here were ESB so I was trying to balance that back out. :p Now there are a couple ROTJ in Florida, and a couple ESB in progress and an SE in progress, and maybe a few more in secret lol.
I picked ROTJ because I started off with an ROTJ helmet that I really liked. I always liked the multi-color armor, and it turned out later that what I really liked was the Pre Pro 2 armor that I remembered from the pre-ESB Kenner toy promotions. If I ever do this again, I'll probably do Pre Pro 2 or a white Super Trooper. But, the ESB helmet is just amazing from a prop/painting/weathering perspective.
The RotJ SE version captures the best of the versions IMO. ESB has its great parts: helmet, sidearm, cape, I even like the EE-3 better. RotJ has its great parts: jet pack, gauntlets, armor. So, minus the sidearm and EE-3, the SE is my favorite. You get the some of the best of both worlds.

Someday, I'll do an ESB because it is "pure" and I believe the performance by Jeremy in that movie is what defined Boba.
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