Dave Dorman painting of Vader leading an army of stormtroopers..

I'm two of the scouts in the back...the one pointing and the one under the scout walker...it was a quick shoot (for me) but a lot of fun to see the process. Dave did another one with MWG members with Tusken's and TD's. It's also very cool!
I'm two of the scouts in the back...the one pointing and the one under the scout walker...it was a quick shoot (for me) but a lot of fun to see the process. Dave did another one with MWG members with Tusken's and TD's. It's also very cool!

Thanks for the information man, that's some cool stuff! Any chance you know where that other piece can be located (the Tusken Raiders)? I would love to see it!

Thats Squad 7 on the card. We got together at a photography studio and recreated the print for a Squad poster. Only a couple of us did it, so I'm in that picture 3-5 times lol.

So the card/poster of Squad 7 with the Jacksonville background was done based on the print, with permission :)

That is really awesome! That was some major photoshoping in that pic, it's hard to tell that it wasn't a single photo. Appreciate the info Wolfie!

That is really awesome! That was some major photoshoping in that pic, it's hard to tell that it wasn't a single photo. Appreciate the info Wolfie!


yeah it was some serious shopping, those guys have skills , lol.

The sandtrooper with blue tube stripes is Tina, you can kinda see in the back there is a trooper with a pauldron with black tube stripes. those are me, and I am also the person in the very front falling down, and one of the up close troopers. I was clean at the time, but going back sandy and it was the last thing I did in my FX bucket before getting a TE to replace it with LOL.

all the guards and the Vader are the same guy lol.
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