Anyone ever been bitten by a brown recluse?

brown recuse spider bites start killing the tissue as soon as they bite you. the the affected area will start very small, then will continue to radiate in a circular manner. the only way to stop it is to cut out the affected area. the longer you wait, the more you have to get cut out!!! that doesnt look like a brown recluese bite but do not take the wait
and see approach. most poisonous spiders attack the nervous system. and trust me you dont want to go through that!
I was bitten at night by a spider. I was told it was most likely a brown recluse (as they were very common in the area) but will never know for sure. As with flo fett, the bite went necrotic and a huge "plug" of dead tissue eventually fell out. I still have a scar from it. As everyone has said... go get it looked at asap.
Did some research and went to the doctor. Due to the fact I have killed several around my basement, I was more that likely bitten by a HOBO SPIDER. Nasty thing. The headaches and flu like symptoms are right on track with the bite. The doctor did not seem to concerned and he said necrosis was not spreading. Got two antibiotic scripts and and there is nothing more to do at this point. If you get a chance, google the HOBO SPIDER. Pretty interesting.

Wow, glad it wasn't a brown recluse! (y)

We have both hobo spiders and the giant house spider around here which both leave nasty bites. I've been to the clinic on several occasions because of them. Since I moved into a house a few months back, I've caught more than my fair share of them. The worst is when I'm in the rec-room watching a movie and I see one book it across the floor in the dim light. Freaks the heck out of me and yes, I scream like a wee girl when I see one! :lol:
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Now, I can tend to be paranoid on last night at about 1:30 am...I wake up for a short period of time and it felt like something landed on my stomach. First thing I start to think is....SPIDER!!!! I didn't see anything. For the next 15 minutes, I started getting real paranoid that I had a spider waiting to bite me...not fun...I kinda rather didn't read this thread before going to bed last night...
^ :lol:
It was in bed that I got bitten, I must have been terrifying the poor spider as I moved my legs about and it bit me on the foot, the bottom of the leg and the knee. It was only the bottom of the leg that went necrotic but the other two bites itched like hell for a while. It was two nights getting bitten before I realised what the bites were and found the spider nestled between the bed frame and the wall. For months after it I was paranoid and would methodically search my sheets before going to sleep :lol:
Just as well I'm not scared of spiders or I would have freaked big style.
How did one make it all of the way out to Ohio?? :lol:

How did one make it all of the way out to Ohio?? :lol:


I saw some of those maps as well when I was researching this thing. The one I saw was a bit different, with some in northern Ohio and into Michigan. The map I believe was created by the CDC for confirmed infections caused by the bite. My doc said that most spider bites are misdiagnosed because poeple rarely SEE the spider bite them and have its carcass for analysis. OR, my wife brought one home from Seattle and tried to kill me with it:lol:.
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HOLY CROW!!! I think I just squished one of these beggars in our bathroom about an hour before I saw this post about the hobo spider and googled it!!! If it wasn't a hobo spider it was certainly a close look-a-like. I'm gonna keep my eyes open from now on. Next time I see one I'll catch it in something and do some serious comparing to see what I have. Yikes-a-rony!!!
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