Anyone ever been bitten by a brown recluse?


Active Hunter
Help me out brothers and sisters. About a week ago I noticed I had been bitten on my belly by, more than likely, a spider. It looked like 3 small blisters grouped together. Well, now it has turned very dark and I have been feeling bad for the past week. Light headed, a bit queezy at times and I have been very tired. Also getting mild headaches on the left side. I suspect I may have been poisoned by a brown recluse. Anyone who has been through this please chime in. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow but my wife is on me to do it now.
I would post a pic but I don't want to gross anyone out or frighten any children. If any experts want to see the bite, I'll post it. Thanks.
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Although I've never been bitten by one, I've done enough research on them due to encountering tons of them... GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!!!!

The bite will be become very painfull, and will eventually start to ooze black puss!! The bites can then run a very high risk of becoming gangerous/infected. The venom dosen't work as fast as a Black Widows, but it's just as dangerous.
Brown recluse bites are very dangerous.
The bites cause necrosis and can grow to as large as 10 inches in diameter


Get thee to a physician
Hate those things!

Had a Marine and a Soldier get bit. At first they were ok, one guy had to go to the hospital the other didnt need to. But it its that bad id say GO! That venom can start to kill off the skin around the bitten area. Then the doc has to cut out the bad skin.
Have you had abdominal pain?
I strongly suggest you go to a local ER to seek treatment.If it is a spider bite you dont need to wait.You cause more damage by waiting.
I have not been biten by one but I have done research for wilderness survial first aid training.
Their vemon can cause "flesh rotten"(tissue decay) problems.I am asuming you have cleaned the wound with cool water and soap once you noticed you were biten.If you did that that should have helped with cleaning any vemon from the tissue but your blood stream could be in danger.
I read it was three weeks but did you happen to get a good look at the spider so you can describe it to the doctors to make sure it was a brown recluse.I know it is a strech to suggest that you saved the spider.
My prayers are with you...good luck withthis
I've not been bitten by a brown recluse but I have been bitten by a spider, the bite went necrotic within two days and five years on I still have the scar. Go to the doctor now. I tried to fix it on my own for a month and all I ended up with was a huge hole in my leg. Get it fixed sweetheart.
Dear god. Don't like the looks of that leg....I did not see the spider. I have not had a fever or anything and I would think that would be a symptom. I have just a few days. Here is the bite, it does'nt look like much but it is quite tender.

bite 2.jpg
Yes it is not that bad but still the vemon(if any) might be in your blood stream which is causing the feeling bad syptoms.
I still say ride to the ER and have them look at it.If it is a insurance issue(lack of)keeping I understand wanting to wait.I have been there before.It might not be nothing but atleast make your wife feel better.
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I'd go get it checked out.
My wife was bitten on the leg by a spider a few years ago. We were never 100% sure it was a brown recluse, but the doc thought it was likely. She still has a thumbnail size scar on her thigh to this day.
Spiders. . . blech! :(
friend of mine had his wisdom teeth removed and the dentist gave him some painkillers which made him very groggy, he fell asleep and one bit him on the forehead, he had a rotten spot the size of a half dollar when it was all over and done, go to the hospital.
Thanks everyone! I'm going to the doc first thing in the morning. I'll let you know the results. There's no doubt it's a spider that got me, I just hope it was not the B. recluse. We have some other nasty looking wolf spiders and such in the house now that the weather has broke.

The good news is now I can scale walls and go after that S.O.B. Green Goblin!:lol:
(just trying to lighten things up a bit, I hate going to the doctor:facepalm)
Those blisters also look like 'shingles'. They usually form around ones midsection and are extremely tender to the touch. They are usually brought on by stress and can have other physiological symptoms. I've had them before and the 'off' feeling you are having could be a risidual effect. Nevertheless, you do need to see a doctor ASAP.
Go to a doctor who knows about these things ASAP. This thing can be necrotic! See the pictures above! I was in south america 10 years ago and was bitten, not by spiders but by ticks. I returned home after about 2 months and had this red ring around the bite. When I called the doctors, they said they couldn't do anything unless I had taken the tick with me. They were not experts in exotic diseases they said..! So, no diagnosis.. and who knows how those tick bites work. Wish I had kept the tick and gone to a doctor immediately.
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