The. Worst. Movie. Ever. Made. - SPOILERS

If you can suspend belief for The Ark of the Covenant, ghosts, melting faces, The Holy Grail, 700 year old knights, Sankara stones, hypnotism, and still beating hearts, I ask you, are Extra Terrestrials less plausible?

Right there. That's what I initially thought while leaving at the credits, while still grounded in reality, those things are pretty far out there. But the aliens? That's a little too far out.
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Not to me. Everyone is different and believes different things.

Maybe that's why you didn't like it.
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I still liked it, but the theme of the other movies were mostly based on religions more widely accepted than believing aliens were your gods. That's what got to me. It wasn't surprising, but just wayyyy more far-fetched than the other Indy's. But the biggest thing that bugged me, was really the absence of Nazis. Makes sense I guess since it's set after WWII.

But hey, would a lead lined fridge really protect you from an A-bomb? Nahhhh, maybe protect from radiation, but it still would've been incinerated in the initial blast, right?
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I have seen this argument a couple of times with the whole religion vs aliens thing. My prob is that I have no issue believing the alien aspect in the Indy world. I don't like how it was hamfistedly pummeled into the Indy mythos, but my issue isn't that "I can't believe they had aliens." Mine is...

I can't believe a multi-million dollar movie started out with a freakin' CG rat... Couldn't they get a real gopher? I mean really. How hard would that have been?

I can't believe they went from area 51 to putting Indy in the center of a nuclear blast zone that had absolutely jack to do with the movie. What? Did they think I missed the dress and vehicles and the date they flashed up on the screen? Did they think it too something the size of a nuclear blast for it to click in my mind "oooohhh.... this movie is set in blah blah blah decade?"

I can't believe they asked me to believe Indy could have flewn 3 football fields in a fridge and not come out looking like jelly.

I can't believe how lame and cheesy the bad guys were and that they never once really did anything bad except for in the very first few minutes of the movie.

I can't believe they took 20 years to give me a movie that had no plot, no logic and little more than cliques...

I won't go on, but you get my point. In comparison to all of this ridiculous stuff... yeah, aliens are pretty easy to believe in.
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Are aliens really more unbelieveable than the "power of the Ark"? I'm not saying I believe in little green men from mars, but lightning bots shooting out of a box and melting people's faces? And drinking some water from an old cup giving a person "eternal life"? Reaching in and pulling a person's heart from his chest, and have him still alive to watch what you do with it?

Oh, and the comments people have made about "no Nazis"... well, it does take place after the end of the Third Reich, in keeping with the age difference between original movies Indy and new movie Indy. It would be silly to either stick some Nazis in there for old-time sake, or just ignore the obvious age difference and pretend it was still 20 or so years earlier. I think that should have been a given.

The Indy movies have never been grounded in fact. They only take existing stories of artefacts and elaborate on them, exaggerating the fanciful aspect they have often come to be associated with. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but so far the crystal skulls are the only artefacts that are known to actually exist. The Ark, the Shankara Stones, the Grail.... none of these things have actually been found. They, so far, only exist in myth. The skulls, on the other hand, have been found and exist in museums. Chances are they are not pre-columbian in construction - or have any kind of metaphysical properties - but at least they do exist.
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I totally agree with BobaMatt on this...

And seriously, this movie has as much "mythological fact" as any of the others.

there ARE big flesh eating ants that can strip a large animal in a matter of hours in some jungles in the world...
There are theories of egyptians and mayans being taught by "aliens" or some other being that is no longer here...
There are skulls found buried in the world.. Gypsy is correct...

The parts that got me were the fridge and the monkies. The rest of the movie was to me , better than Temple of Doom any day. Screw Kate... blech. and as a girl.. made props to Marion Ravenwood. she looks as pretty as ever.

Iron Man was a better movie, sure.. but this was fun. I loved Indy telling Mutt about his Young Indiana Jones adventure with Pancho... and even though it should have been named Indiana Graffiti and the Close Encounters Stargate... I'll buy it when it comes out.
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Good point Brak's.

I too feel that after 20 years, we could have had a little more.

Also, I agree that SOME of the CGI was questionable.

However, for what it was, I really liked it.
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Also, I agree that the CGI was questionable.

For the most part, it was. But I'll say I was impressed with the water. Specifically the part where they were running out of the ruins as it was flooding. Right before they got to the dead end that was just a well or tunnel going straight up. When they were right on the bridge as it was being crushed by the gears, while flooding. That's the only part that stood out to me.
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shoot guys are forgetting


That my worse than Indy.

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Just wondering...getting away from the whole debate issue.

Did anybody notice any brief Star Wars references? Such as the Club Obi-Wan in ToD?

The only thing I really noticed was the token "I've got a bad feeling about this," quote from Indy.

Oh...and it having aliens I guess.:facepalm
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It was close to the end, if I remember correctly, right after they were in the chamber with the crystal skeletons. I know I just saw it yesterday, but after a certain point I wasn't really paying that much attention anymore.
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Well... I saw this one with Brak's last night and I wanted to cry afterwards :( I went in, not with high expectations, but hoping for a good movie that could hold it's own with the other 3. I didn't expect it to be better, but at least hoped it wouldn't suck. This, while not the worst movie ever by any means, was truly awful. Brak's gave me a look right after the opening shot of the prairie dog like "here we go" but I wasn't really bothered by the CGI...the first time. But honestly, where it started to go downhill was in the warehouse, after probably the best moment in the movie- Indy donning his hat and the theme music starting. It was the one liners and dialogue in the warehouse that just felt...wrong. Harrison really felt un Indy like, to me, in delivering the terrible lines he was given. I was already disappointed but tried to not let it affect the rest of the movie and hoped it got better and that he would feel more like Indy (which he was). But after the fridge incident, I honestly was ready to walk out and if Brak's hadn't been taking me out on a date, I would have left. But I stayed, hoping it would get better. It had a couple "Indy" moments- like when he was in the grave yard crawling on that tilty stone thing- the look in his eyes was true Indy. And the scene in the library where he is crashing, sliding across the ground and the student asks him a question, pretty funny. But a few minute moments do not make a movie. The story line was very weak. Aliens, not a problem. But there was such poor development of who and what they were, why the skull was important, why the Russians were after it, why they kept keeping Indy alive, what the black hair chick's deal was. She seemed to have this hate for Indy, but you have no idea why. It was all just really poorly developed. This movie seemed to be more focused on the action than on the story and that is where it really failed. It just went from one chase, to the next, to the next to the next to the point that you never felt there was any danger. You never were on the edge of your seat going "will they make it?" The one liners just seemed very forced and as Brak's described, it was like you knew what was going to be said and they would pause, just for dramatic effect until Indy gave his one liner, and then the movie would move back on. The other thing was there was no real mystery, you never saw Indy ever struggle to solve any of the "riddles". And he always seemed way too eager to help the Russians along. The final things that sealed the deal were the ridiculous sword fight on moving vehicles which then ended with the kid flying through the jungle like Tarzan, followed by all his new found monkey friends that had a hate for Russians, followed by not one, not two, but three falls down waterfalls in which NO ONE gets hurt or killed. By the end, I just couldn't wait for it to be over so Brak's and I could talk about it on the drive home. Also, by the end. when he tries to use the whip to help the "triple agent" I realized, he hardly used the whip at all this movie :/ It's funny, Brak's and I complained that they just released the orignal 3 movies right before this one- obviously so you can buy them now why you are Indy hungry and then AGAIN when the 4th one comes out. Now, I'm glad they did that cause we will be buying the original three...and that is all. For me, this series ended with Indy riding off into the sunset with his Dad and Marcus and this last movie was just a bad dream that I wish hadn't been made and I am sorry I saw :( Very very saddened by this. :cry
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What an awful movie. I liked parts of it (the motorcycle chase in the beginning), but everything in the movie went too far. I was getting over the "Indy is no longer Indy" thing and just when I would start to enjoy myself again, there would be a gopher, or a refrigerator, a monkey, a terrible CGI element which destroyed a good action scene etc.
Terrible acting all around.
I never thought I'd say this but the Temple of Doom is no longer my least favorite Indy movie...
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SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeesh guys... some of us can't get out on the first night! :facepalm

I'm adding a Spoilers to the title.
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Of recent times:

Transformers (what a dose of ****)

King Kong (seriously, Peter Jackson has way too much time on his hands)

Looking forward to seeing just how bad this movie is or isn't

Wow, I liked both of those...

You all just confirmed it for me. We are going to Six Flags instead of watching I4. Thank you all and I hope it looks better on DVD.
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