The. Worst. Movie. Ever. Made. - SPOILERS

obi sean kenobi

Well-Known Hunter
I saw Indy 4 last night, and, frankly, I am speechless.

Even a repeat of the Phantom Menace would have been better than KotCS. At least Phantom Menace had some enjoyable sequences, and a coherent plot line.

KotCS was terrible.

I keep thinking about the documentaries that involve the making of Star Wars, and how Lucas was so stressed out because he was in constant conflict with the studio execs. In all candor, I think Lucas *needs* that kind of supervision. There is no doubt that his story ideas are amazing, but that should be the extent of his involvement in films. He, and Spielberg, both, have reached the stage in their career when no one tells them "No" anymore. No one is second guessing these guys, and it truly is a shame. What a waste of talent.

Spielberg and Lucas just arent hungry anymore. Theres no fire in them anymore. Raiders and Star Wars were not only good 'genre' movies - but just all around great films. Brilliantly filmed, excellently realized. There are scenes in both that are really defining cinematic moments (think of the scene where Luke is staring at the twin suns, or discovers the burnt out homestead, or in Raiders where Indy is digging for the Ark in the sunset and is silhouetted while he changes into his gear - brilliant).

Guys, I am really disappointed. In retrospect, Lucas and Spielberg should have just left well enough alone. I am sorry to see old Harrison go out with a whimper instead of a bang. He really is the defining actor of my generation, and it saddens me that his last shot at glory was wasted on Indy 4.

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"(think of the scene where Luke is staring at the twin suns, or discovers the burnt out homestead, or in Raiders where Indy is digging for the Ark in the sunset and is silhouetted while he changes into his gear - brilliant). "

I haven't seen it yet but just a note. The entire "Luke retuning home" sequence was taken from the movie Stagecoach with John Wayne in the 50's. So I think you are truly on the right track though. IMO;)

Sorry about jacking up your quote...
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I havent seen it, but having watched the IJ filmes lately, I think that, and please dont take this wrong, most peoples appreciation of the films are heavily rooted in nastalgia.

Frankly, I can objectively say when I watch most of the old films I love so much, they dont hold up all that well. I LOVED indy in the day, I cant really stay awake for them now.

I havent seen the movie yet, and ill take your word its a let down. The worst movie ever made, im thinking is a little bit of an exageration base heavily on your dissapointment on what it 'could have been'. We have to remember that these arent _our_ creations. Unfortunately.

I think that we have to remember that our imaginations are always better than movies. Thats why I am always so dissapointed when I try to explain books to my friends that refuse to read saying 'they will wait for the movie'. The movies just cant compare to what the last 20 years of your imagination has created in its 'coming soon minds eye'.

I mean, whens the last time you imagined something happening, and then instantly reprimanded yourself and said 'That was some of the worst effects I have ever imagined, it just ruined my daydream'.

Im sorry you didnt like it. and I expect it to be worse for wear to me because of your input, but please try to remember, that anything you put on a pedastal, is bound to come tumbling down:(
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I think what you say about nostalgia, Stormrider, is relative. I popped Raiders of the Lost Ark, and then Last Crusade (not a big fan of Temple of Doom), into my old vid player last week and was pleased to find that they had every bit the same effect on me they always did. I think the original Raiders movie was pure movie-making genius. There is a reason Harrison Ford said he would be happy to play the part of Indy again, but not that of Han. Indy had depth of character. Certainly, when I look at most of the garbage that has barely hobbled its way out of Hollywood over the years, Raiders of the Lost Ark still stands tall. I really don't know what to expect from Indy 4. I will go see it, for sure, but part of me is kinda expecting that it may suffer from some of the same problems as the SW prequil movies.
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As a big Indy fan who loved the original three (yes, even TOD!!) I'll be waiting until this comes out on DVD to see. I haven't been too thrilled with what I've seen about this movie so far and the fact that Shia LeBoeuf is in it is really a disappointment for me. I rarely, if ever, head out to the theater to see movies, and unfortunately Indy 4 hasn't made a big enough impression on me to do so.
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I loved it up until the end when it turned into E.T. meets indiana jones, and it got real cheesy for me......Going into it I had really low expectations so I wasnt dissappointed. Its INDY, come can be th worst movie ever, but its still indiana jones so its great in my book.

The only thing I thought was remotely cool was the crystal skull and almost everything about it in the movie was based on FACT's. Not many realize that the entire story and foundation of that movie was not fiction but was based on fact or loose versions of the real 13 crystal skulls buried around the world, I believe we only have discovered 3 or 4 of them so far.
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I enjoyed it quite a bit. Way better than TOD and about on the level with TLC. If you honestly thought KOTCS was the worst movie ever made, then I seriously, seriously question your taste in movies. No matter how bad you thought KOTCS was, it is not even close to the worst movie ever made. Seriously...not even close.
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Wow. . . lots of differing opinions indeed. I saw it earlier today and really enjoyed it. It was great to see Indy on the big screen again. Lots of action, little humorous moments that weren't overdone. I'm sure I'll go see it again.

I think as adults, especially ones who are into hobbies like making prop replicas, we tend to be much more critical of what is projected on that big screen. Raiders came out in 1981 and I was 13. As great as it is, I don't think I would have had the same reaction if I had seen it as a grown up. Granted, Kingdom is dealing with established characters, but it takes into consideration all the time that has passed since Last Crusade. Indy has a lot more years/miles under his belt and that seems to have been worked into the story.
I dunno, does that make sense?
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I think the prequals were great, however I agree the Originals are still the best. I haven't seen Indy 4 yet. I think it's starting to be the day and age where "Good" movies aren't being made as much, anymore.
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obi sean kenobi

Personally, I am not really a fan of George Lucas in the slightest. Outside of his 3 big hits (involvement in Indy, SW 4-6, and American Graffitti) he is not that good at what he does. Even episodes 1-3 of starwars were too bad. This is a guy who can be called a three hit wonder and nothing more.

On a side note... those were 3 crazy awesome hits
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HMMMMMMM........... worst movie EVER??.... thats kinda strong... lets get everyones input on their opinion of the worst movie ever... I'm going to say.... "The day after tomorrow" I needed a lobotomy after that movie!!! why did the dad have to go across the country to find his son. when he already knew where he was. and he already told him what to do to stay safe..... it made no sense ...... plus you could care less about any of the characters anyways...
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Well I saw this one today and I was also really, really let down with this peice of garbage. Very little of the film got me excited. I will say I liked seeing Ford in the costume and in character and he did a good job. Other then that I could have written this whole film off.

Ok then ending was terrible. I really hated the stupid alien non-sense. This is the 2nd movie Speilberg has made that started out ok and ended badly with aliens (A.I was the other one). I don't care if they called them something else in the movie but they had a 50s style flying saucer and looked like the steriotypical aliens you see.

Also the stupid CGI was terrible, the the monkeys followed by that stupid Tarzan scene. The ants were straight out of the Mummy movies, and don't get me wrong I actually like the Mummy movies but for different reasons then I liked Indy.

And last and maybe this is just me but the Russians just aren't as 'Bad" bad guys as the Nazis were. I know It's pretty hard to top Nazis but it's not like they were killing jews in the old movies they were just bad guys the Russians just well seem not nice.
End Spoilers

So all in all I wasn't really happy with it, it felt more like a Mummy movie staring Indy then an Indy movie. I just wish they wouldn't have made this one and just left it with the originals.

I am also hopeing that the other movie I am looking forward to this summer isn't going to let me down like this one did...The Dark Knight.
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I own Catwoman!

We're going to see I4 in a couple of hours. I've heard mixed stuff also. Everything from kicks all amounts of butt, and then another friend telling that one that he is smoking crack and it sucks :(

lol , but I do enjoy crappy movies on occasion too, just for their crappiness. I bought a 1.00 movie at Walmart for the giggles of watching it with friends. It was sooo bad. Called Dragon something or other. Filmed entirely in the woods, with poor poor british actors they probably duped into thinking it would be their big breakout role, flew them to the states, and filmed this p.o.c. rofl.

it even has a myspace page for the movie. man, i have to look the title up when I get home from work!
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Oh worst movie ever (that wasn't straight to DVD) Soul Survivors The killer Cut. Nothing beats that one in the aweful world. If you haven't seen it please go out and rent it, it will make you like every other movie you ever see so much better, plus give you a good base to go off of.
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Silly me, I assumed this thread was going to be about Catwoman, Maximum Overdrive, or maybe Glitter....

Hmm, suddenly have an urge to break out my copy of Plan 9.
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