Recasting discussion

FP, you have some serious guilt issues man. Move Along

And for the record, if I have a personal beef with someone, it will be discussed in person so that there is no miscommunication of feelings via typed words.
Here's my .2c on recasting.

If you want to keep stuff from being recast, don't sell it. Someone either through malicious intent or plain ingnorance will at some point copy your stuff (or attmept to). That is true.
But is that really the attitude you want people with access to great stuff to have? If so, then guess what. Those great items will never see the light of day and you'll have to make do with your janky innacurate scratch builds.

You see, only a small percent of this community has access to the good stuff and most of those people will never offer those highly sought after items for the fear of someone recasting. And the community suffers as a whole for it.

The only way anyone can offer anything of quality is if the prop community takes a stance to protect those who make these rare items available.
It's not whether you scratch build it or not that is important here. It is the person responsible for bringing the rare item into the populace that deserves protection for the item he is bringing because without him...

If you cannot have access to that great item, as much as it sucks, you have to bite your lip and suck it up. Maybe the next great item will be made available to you. However be mindful that your position on recasting ethics will place you in a catagory of whether or not you can be trusted.
That's a big part of the reason why some people get stuff and others don't.

And we are watching. :angry

Mirax, I believe you can recast soft goods as well by copying patterns of a sold soft good part. That's just as bad as dipping something in silicone. The same concerns I have of releasing a fabric part are the same ones I have for a resin piece.
I think the big difference between the resin and soft parts is, that even to 'reverse engineer' a jumpsuit or ammo pouch, you still need a certain skill set to reproduce that item. With resin, anyone can watch a half hour DVD on casting then buy the supplies and make a garbage recast to sell cheap. Maybe I am wrong to think that was the thinking behind Mirax's statement. I agree that both are equally offensive and neither should be tolerated, I think the cost/benefits would push most unscrupulous people towards the hard parts when it comes to knockoffs.

FP, you have some serious guilt issues man. Move Along

:lol: This is what I mean. You got it all figured out ...

And for the record, if I have a personal beef with someone, it will be discussed in person so that there is no miscommunication of feelings via typed words.

Thats the way it should be. But in a case like this thread, what should be civil discussion, can be tainted easily with colorful remarks such as the ones you've made. It sounds like "Baiting". Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to your personal opinions, just like everyone else. But sometimes, your personal opinion of another member isn't healthy durring a discussion like this. You could actually force your own opinion on someone new that may not have had the chance to make one for themselves yet. It can be interpreted as "flexing your keyboard muscles". Not a sign of a straight shooter that would rather clear the air face to face, or talk through their differences over a brew ;)

:lol: This is what I mean. You got it all figured out ...

Thats the way it should be. But in a case like this thread, what should be civil discussion, can be tainted easily with colorful remarks such as the ones you've made. It sounds like "Baiting". Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to your personal opinions, just like everyone else. But sometimes, your personal opinion of another member isn't healthy durring a discussion like this. You could actually force your own opinion on someone new that may not have had the chance to make one for themselves yet. It can be interpreted as "flexing your keyboard muscles". Not a sign of a straight shooter that would rather clear the air face to face, or talk through their differences over a brew ;)


Perhaps you could talk to some other board members about "flexing their keyboard muscles"? There was a great deal of that done in your defense, the overwhelming majority of it was from others. There seems to be an effort to overlook that from time to time. (No that's not an attack on the admins or mods)

I don't really want to continue this indefinitely, we eventually should think about an endpoint for all of this. I don't think we are going to all come to a single unified consensus on this topic or a lot of others for that matter. It's been good to air our grievances but it's distracting from the topic at hand. Costuming and having fun.

Man, I love these threads. I wish I wasn't at work, so I could post an even longer response. I swear this is mostly on-topic...

If you want to keep stuff from being recast, don't sell it.

I believe you can recast soft goods as well by copying patterns of a sold soft good part. That's just as bad as dipping something in silicone. The same concerns I have of releasing a fabric part are the same ones I have for a resin piece.

It's disappointing to see members go in the direction of "my contribution to the community will be copied or otherwise re-purposed, maybe *gasp* without due credit to me, so I shouldn't contribute at all". I guess I have a bigger issue with the philosophy under which a lot of hardware parts are offered on TDH, in contrast to the way other useful contributions are made here.

Why do folks like wizardofflight contribute incredibly comprehensive armor and helmet templates? Why have I spent several weekends drawing ESB paint scratch templates? Why do people post helpful tips and techniques in progress threads? For example:

We do it so that TDH members can expand their skill base and multiply their talents. And so we can all make great costumes!

I don't have the time or the space to do sculpting or mold making (though I studied it in college), so I try to contribute to the SW fan community in other ways where I am capable. I'm generally against the idea of someone not receiving credit where it's due. However, people here should remember that the ultimate goal is that everyone here gets to make progress on their costumes, and everybody has the best resources to do so.

I'd rather see folks who make a hardware part here encourage other members to pick up the manufacture later. I'd rather see 30 people making aluminum parts, 30 people making armor and helmets, 30 people making soft parts, etc. based off of the best reference designs. Users like WOF (for example) enable that kind of propagation of ideas and skill.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'll go back to drawing decals and fabric patterns and will continue posting what I make for everyone to use.
I am with Count Dookie. For me, it is more important that the few finds I have made are known by the general populous than the fact that I found them is known. I do get a bit irritated when others try to take credit for my efforts, but in general I just want the information out there and available so people can use it to make a better costume.
[B said:
If you want to keep stuff from being recast, don't sell it.

It's disappointing to see members go in the direction of "my contribution to the community will be copied or otherwise re-purposed, maybe *gasp* without due credit to me, so I shouldn't contribute at all". I guess I have a bigger issue with the philosophy under which a lot of hardware parts are offered on TDH, in contrast to the way other useful contributions are made here.

If you ever see any of Gino's work you'll know why he doesn't want it floating around to just anyone. Even though his bucket was not "scrathbuilt" he did enough that it might as well have been.
If you ever see any of Gino's work you'll know why he doesn't want it floating around to just anyone. Even though his bucket was not "scrathbuilt" he did enough that it might as well have been.

True but alot of people act as if we own these prop rights, no matter if we sculpted, catsed it off an orignal......ect I think we take for granted that we're ALLOWED to do this and LFL doesnt shut all of this down.

As ive said before recasting is wrong but we shouldnt have this above all attitude and pretend that these are OUR own pieces that we created. In some form or another we stealing others designs from the movie and we lucky to be allowed to be even doing this without any license.

And for the record I think Fett Pride has take the right approach as a dealer and not hiding his products but mass producing for TDH and making his name be known as the go to guy. Ive seen to many times in the past members offering top notch stuff to only sell them to a select few, which IMO is heading down the wrong road.
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Most of the time, when you see people only selling to a select few, it's because it is to people who have gained their trust. Can you blame them?

Also, we all know that none of us own the "true rights" to any of this stuff. No one is arguing that. But for people who are lucky enough to have obtained "the good stuff" to offer it to the populace, the only way they are going to continue to do that is if they feel that what they are bringing forth is going to be protected from mass distrubution. That's what it really boils down to.
Trust, and a feeling of security that they aren't just giving away their opportunity to sell or trade their special item for other things in the future.
If everyone has it, it will have lost it's special-ness, therefore losing its value, and therefore losing it's power to open doors for new acqisitions or selling value.

If you've never had a rare item (prop-wise), I'm sure it is difficult to understand the reasoning behind what I'm saying.
Trust me when I say that if your goal is to stay in this hobby and collect the rare coveted items, the only way that is going to happen is by realizing the importance of discretion, limited runs, and CONTROL over the distribution of the rare item to not fall into the hands of someone who is going to mass produce it.

You want these rare items to come available to you, they come with a price in the form of a recasting ethic. You can't have it both ways.
If you take shady means to get your trinket now, you might be serving yourself for the immediate, but ultimately will be doing a HUGE disservice for yourself later because no one will trust you to have any of their rare items.

The bringer forth of the rare item must be protected AS IF he were the original artist otherwise they never will bring them forth.

In my best soup nazi voice, "No super accurate rocket pack for you!"

trust me dude...he has no guilt issues. FP is a good guy and has done great things for this community. i dont understand why people are attacking him.

lets "MOVE ALONG" and get back on topic

FP, you have some serious guilt issues man. Move Along

And for the record, if I have a personal beef with someone, it will be discussed in person so that there is no miscommunication of feelings via typed words.

trust me dude...he has no guilt issues. FP is a good guy and has done great things for this community. i dont understand why people are attacking him.

lets "MOVE ALONG" and get back on topic

I'm pretty sure FP and I have already made things clear and have moved along Miller.
Question!!....y question is similar but kinda different. I am construction my new functional ammo belt pouches. It will be more than likely nothing but wood and hardware but if I come up with a specific way of doing it, can someone copy it for resale purposes here and it be ok? Just wondering, I wouldn't care too much if they wanted to do it for themselves but I just wouldn't want to be blamed for a bad belt not done by me that has my new design. Which I also redid the pattern for the leather. Just askin.
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