New to TDH? Read this about how much you will spend!

I have spend over 2000.oo on my fett costume and I am finally a neckseal and sidearm away from 501st. It does cost alot. I couldn't even have a halloween costume fett for under 100.00. At least not a very convincing one.
I think ya forgot to post Wookiee braids. I'd say anywhere from $10 to $50. Like others have posted, the upgrades are gonna cost quite a bit. I initially spent a little over $2k on and my price tag for is now a 5-figure number after upgrading several times.:facepalm
Thanks GCN and JB for the toe spikes and wookie braids. I am glad people are likeing this theard vs thinking i am a pompass jerk.
This is great info that every new member should read because simply put, "you get what you pay for". I know Sticker Shock can put a damper on things but take your time and buy piece by piece and in the long run you'll have everything you need and you'll be satisfied with the end product. C
I think I've got over 4K stuck into mine, and I made every soft part, (minus the boots & ammo belt) myself!!! Makes me wanna cry when i think about it!!! :lol: And, I've got many more upgrades planned. Of course, that doesn't figure in the fact that I have never sold any (or the majority of) my older parts. In addition to the "how much it costs" question, heres annother one to add on there: How long does it take to build a good Fett suit???? I've got 5 years into mine, & I expect to keep upgrading for a while!!! ;)
I am also at the 5 year level. But I hope to actually be "finnished" within the year. Unless someone comes up with casts off the pre-pro armor and or helmet then I think I will be done here very soon.
:lol: :lol:

Way to go.... You probably singlehandedly have scared off more new people with this thread than anything else that had been posted. ;)

Lets go over the marketing strategy again because you have it backwards.... first we reel them in showing them amazing pics and all the fun we are having... then, once we have them firmly and hopelessly hooked, we pounce on them like a tiger with the absurdly high cost of this hobby!
I'm new to TDH, and just about to start my journey. After spending several hours here reading up on our hero, I started listing all the stuff I need to get... This thread is really helpful, but also a real eye-opener. Damn, this can be a pretty expensive hobby!

I have thought about putting together a Fett suit for many years, probably ever since I saw Fett the first time on screen back in '80. I'm 34 years now with wife and kid, and I already gave up on the whole idea, thinking it's kind of too late starting now. I had no clue TDH existed - I stumbled across you by accident - and I can't tell you how surprised and thrilled I am to see so many people that are doing this!

The collected Fett knowledge and experience building suits here on TDH is simply amazing! You are totally nuts, and I love it! I'm here to stay!
I'm new to TDH as well. I made a set of chest armor back in Art School out of steel plate - very heavy. Found this site by accident. Great resource! Nice to get an idea of how much people have spent on the suits. Gives me a good heads up as to what I'm getting into.

- Hollywood
See Brak's I think it is better, we scare off some sure, but the ones that really have the drive, and love just now have a more reasonable idea of what they are getting into.
Here is some sticker shock for what I feel is a nice ROTJ Fett. :D

FP MSH2 helmet $262
BKBT Metal stalk $35
Lens $20
Padding materials $10
calc casting $10

FP chest armor $50
FP Shoulder bells and collar $36
TDH member made Metal armor attachment blocks (6) $20
FP cod piece, knees, $83
DeanO Machined knee darts $40
FP Gauntlets $285
TDH member accurate replacement Resin rocket $40
Misc. doodads and doo hickies, hoses, to detail gauntlets $40
BobaPhett 4 machined darts $40
RA back plate and butt plate, $50
TDH member chest and shoulder decals $10
Shackman chest lights $185
RA JP $550
DeanO machined JP detail parts $40
TDH member accurate JP decals $15
Accurate scuba belt buckle and belt, $25
Accurate tent shelter cape $25

Jumpsuit and soft parts….
Selfmade Jumpsuit, spats, $85
RA vest highly modifed by me $50
Mohair dyed girth $25
Wookie scalpes self made $15
Reidmiller ammo belt $70
Slave1 gloves $50
Slave1 side pouch’s $50
JW boots $170
TDH member resin spikes $25

Accurate Patterson shin tools $50
MB ROTJ resin Fett rifle $250

Misc parts, paint, putties, glues, epoxies, liquid masks, tape, assembly screws, nuts, bolts, plastic, velcro, elastic straps, detail tape, you name it, etc. $150 +

Around $2900 total

I am new to the TDH forums and think this was a great idea. You don't realize all the time and money needs to be devoted to a project like this until you start. And there is nothing like getting started and then realizing you aren't going to have the time and money to finish. Luckily I built a TK before starting on my Jango so I had some kind of idea what it would take even though a Stormtrooper has nowhere near the amount of pieces that it takes to make a good Fett costume.
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