Cod piece connection?

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So how wide is the crack strap? Anyone tried to measure it yet? -Mark
I wouls approx 1/2" b/c the black straps that hold the girth together are 1".
This is a serious question, as silly as it sounds. How wide is the strap that goes between the legs that attaches to the cod piece: 1" or 3/4"? I'm going for "screen" accuracy.
pennywise said:
This is a serious question, as silly as it sounds. How wide is the strap that goes between the legs that attaches to the cod piece: 1" or 3/4"? I'm going for "screen" accuracy.
I can't remember if I went with 1/2" or 3/4" elastic, but it is definately not 1" wide.
Half seems too small. 3/4" probably would fit alot better than 1", but alot of the "screen" shots I've seen look like 1". Also it appears to be nylon webbing and not elastic. Anyone know for sure the size and material?
SarlaccBits said:
I have to say that this is one of the most amusing conversations I have read in a long while!


If you sing "Cod piece connection" to the tune of kermit the frog's "Rainbow connection" it's even more ammusing.
SarlaccBits said:
I have to say that this is one of the most amusing conversations I have read in a long while!

Yeah, I know:lol: I don't want it to look like a G-string, that's why I thought wider would look better. I have a 3/4" BLK. one on there now but that's the wrong color. I want to use nylon webbing with a adjustable buckle but I can't find any 3/4" WHT. (only found 1") I don't really want to use elastic because then it's gonna look like some gay jock-strap thingy.:rolleyes
pennywise said:
Yeah, I know:lol: I don't want it to look like a G-string, that's why I thought wider would look better. I have a 3/4" BLK. one on there now but that's the wrong color. I want to use nylon webbing with a adjustable buckle but I can't find any 3/4" WHT. (only found 1") I don't really want to use elastic because then it's gonna look like some gay jock-strap thingy.:rolleyes

Yeah, no matter what you do, it will still look like a jockstrap like thing...
But, its part of the outfit... so no worries! :p
I wasnt thrilled with it myself... but what can one do...
SarlaccBits said:
Yeah, no matter what you do, it will still look like a jockstrap like thing...
But, its part of the outfit... so no worries! :p
I wasnt thrilled with it myself... but what can one do...
Yeah, but on a girl it's cool;)
I went with nylon myself, 3/4".
Don't know if that is "SCREEN used" but I used elastic on it at first. After I wore
the suit a few times it had streched out from walking around and going up stairs at events so much you could see it from the front.That made me :angry
The real one looks fairly tight so thats what I went for. I use snaps on my suit to hold the butt armor up so it don't fall down. Now my wife slaps my
rump cheeks and says "Ya baby";)
Just my 2 cents.
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