WIP Ammo pouches fully functionnal

The general look is very good, but I think that is better not to use cardboard in the flaps and leave the flap cornerless. Here are my measurements of the ammo pouch without the flaps:

Ammo Pouch Measurements.jpg

Note that the ammo belt measurement is from one of batninja's templates:

For the dimensions, i use tk409's template
Some dimensions are differents (for example height of the pouch is 8,5 cm). What is the better between batninja template and tk 409 's one ?

And the last part of assembly :
I glue the front, bottom parts of the flap. For the back, i use a cardboard template to make holes in the flap and the pouch.
I sewed the flap on to the pouch at the top and bottom
And here's the result
final 5.jpg

I agree with RafalFett to keep the "rounded" flaps. It was just a test but result is less accurate.
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I make a comparative of the 3 pouches dimensions i could find. The purpose isn't to criticize any work because nothing i can do could be compared with the awesome work that those men do. Simply, before making all the pouches for my ESB costume i would be sure that i was starting on a good base.
So i make a shape of batninja pouches, tk409 and Rafal ones(thanks again for his advices).
I take this picture in the gallery and enlarge it to see one of the pouche of profile. This is the result (excuse me for the big size ok the files).
Boba-Fett-Costume-Empire-Strikes-Back-02.jpgESB pouch comparative.jpgESB pouch comparative2.jpgESB pouch comparative 3.jpg

For me, the most accurate (for an ESB costume) is the Rafal's one. Rafal.....you are a god!A you sure you haven't stolen the real costume....:D
So before making a new template using your dimensions(i will call it the "RF version"), i would like to have your approval.
Thanks, you are too kind!

I did the ammo pouch template and measurement using reference images, the same way you did your comparison. But I did a new template which is a better replica of the original. I post here the US LTR and the Metric A4 files with all the measurements needed:

Ammo Pouch Template A4.jpg Ammo Pouch Template LTR.jpg

The template is for the leather part (without strap) and not for the wood block or any other inner part! If you print the files with the fit to page option (according to your paper size) it will result in a 1:1 template.

I really like what you did here so far, so I'm OK if you use these measurements.

Update 29-02-2012
The template's measurement was modified due to the ammo pouch's side angle modification from 45 to 32.5 degree. Both files are updated.
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I'm working with your new template (amazing work!): 2 - Wood structure parts.jpg1 - Pouch overview.jpg3 - Leather layer.jpg
I'll post pdf files in A4 and US LTR formats after a prototype
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For some reason the image isn't working. If I 'right click' the image and press the 'open link in new tab/window', all I got is a red X.
Thanks Rafal!
Your comments are a big motivation.
Since last post i didn't have time to work on the project, but i was thinking about how to attach the flap on the pouch (the method with sewings wasn't satisfactory).
I had a new idea using a locking tab. IMO this method is better.I'll post the tutorial asap.
This is some picture of the result
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