Tell us your excuses..(comical purposes!)

Wow hahah! My gf says the same thing! The worst part is, she's a Trekkie and thinks Star Wars is lame. -_-
She threatens to divide our future place of residence straight down the middle and have ST on one side, and SW on the other. My side would be way cooler tho.


Kick over a couch and use it as a bunker, lobbing Plush Jar Jar Bink's at her.. Downside is you will always lose, while you have only a few things that suck in the Star Wars universe, she can throw anything at you.. including nasty Klingon insults :p
I just buy and tell her I already had it in my collection.:lol: Funny thing is she has tons of clothes that were already "hangin in the closet".
mine's easy... i don't smoke, drink, do drugs, gamble, spend much on clothes...

my vices are props, costumes and computers.

the computers are part of my job, so there's a benefit there.

so really, this stuff is my only cost sink.
Well the perfect response to a partner is, "Well i could always dye my hair jet black, cut it short and keep the fringe long, sweep the fring over my face, put on black mascara, and wear black all day and whinge how bad I have it and the world sucks and etc..."

Personally mine is, "Look at all the people out there, doing drugs, streetracing, boozing all their money away, or gambling. At least this is a hobby where i can be proud of what I can do, and for making sick children a little happier and helping them forget that they arent well, plus I get to be really good friends with likeminded people in a very closeknit community/group, and it makes me happy to know im making a difference."

Thats what i do it for... With my Anakin though, evil sith eye contacts out for the kids.. dont want to scare them with visions of Ep3 :p
The whole "I bought this a couple months ago" line usually works on my fiance'. Other times I beg and plead, otherwise I just buy it anyway and then proceed to the nearest flower and chocolate shop for a few roses and a box of Ghiradelli's or Godivas (depending on how mad she'll be).

Yet..when I do get approval, i usually have to take her out to dinner just afterward to make sure i get approval next time lol
Well the perfect response to a partner is, "Well i could always dye my hair jet black, cut it short and keep the fringe long, sweep the fringe over my face, put on black mascara, and wear black all day and whinge how bad I have it and the world sucks and etc... :p

This is me already, aside from the mascara, so that won't work. I usually have to let her get something she wants and seeing as she's the one who does the accounts I don't have a lot of choice in the matter.....moan whine, complain....etc etc :lol: :lol:
when my wife gives me that look that i just spent our life savings on ****, all i have to say is old navy, kolhs, target , ya only live one time so live happy! because you might not get a tommorow!!!
I always get the "How much is this little venture going to end up costing?" So, I always come back with, "Oh, not much. It's definately cheaper than a new car... I guess I can survive a bit longer with my truck."
"well mom, i dont play/buy video games, gamble, do drugs, heck I barely leave the house. And do you really want me to get 10 more airsoft gun or an awesome set stormtrooper armor? "

I do spent a lot on anime related things and just bought about another pistol and some gas for said pistol D:

so much monies ;____;
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I always use the excuse: "Well, it's not like you can just walk into a store and buy these parts off the shelf. They are made in limited runs only a few times a year, so I have to buy it now."

But honestly, most of the time I buy the stuff now, and deal with the wife later when she checks the bank account online. I catch hell, but she's pretty good about my hobby because I don't blow much money on anything else and keep up with my "chores" around the house! lol :lol:
I quit all of the dangerous things in my life(drinks, drugs, smoking) so I figured I owed it to myself to do something that would spend my hard earned cash even faster!:facepalm
mine's easy... i don't smoke, drink, do drugs, gamble, spend much on clothes...

my vices are props, costumes and computers.

the computers are part of my job, so there's a benefit there.

so really, this stuff is my only cost sink.

Thats my scenario right there.
When in doubt, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission... ~checks to see if she's logged on~

In the end, my wife's Zam will probably cost more than my Fett. Case closed.
i like using this one, "build your boba fett, there are kids in india that don't have costumes. or money... or food... so hey, at least i'm not emo."
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