

New Hunter
Well I hope no one really reads this as I'm just annoyed so venting a little, lol... after sending a PM & then wanting to reply to a topic in the cargo hold which of course I couldn't it was then I decided to check why I couldn't which lead me to the, "New Member" restrictions.

This is my first post of 5 posts it would seem I'm required to make to acquire full member access, after 5 days.

After actually reading the new membership rules & regulations this time, lol... I must admit I can understand TDH reasoning but only to some extent.
As a member of the 501st Legion I've now decided to go BH as Fett/ ROTJ styles & it's rather frustrating having to wait 5 days & make 5 posts when I have inside knowledge so to speak & I know what it is I want to buy & in some cases from who but am not allowed to just yet so maybe you can see my point of view as well.

In case your wondering my callsign "Jaggered" is what I use with my garrison, MEPD & FISD. I've yet to join BSN but don't plan to any time soon until I look at going Lancer status.

This site is not affiliated with the 501st dirrectly, but the BHG (bounty Hunters Guild) is and it is linked to the other 501st sites. Jumping into something here may not be as smart as you might think inside knowledge or not. Your still able to PM people who have posts in the cargo hold so your hands arent completely tied, like I tell alot of people here be patient rushing into a Fett is not a good idea. Lots of money is wated in doing so
Hey there F4R, yea quite looking forward to be able to browse around more & ask questions.

A little more about me, living in Australia although not Australian, fm New Zealand & been in Aussie now coming up 4yrs in January so yes, I like it here hehe.
15 years in the Army, working for a Energy company now & as such when at work such as now I'm away for 15 days although once I finish I'll have 15 off :)
Don't have a car which can be painful at times especially if it's raining, ride a Triumph... British motorcycle for you Americans ;)

I'm an ole skool SW fan not really into the first 3 movies, sry if I offend anyone there, lol.
Why the Fett ROTJ? He's always stood out for me & tbh didn't think I'd ever do him but after a long hard think I decided I would & I can honestly say this will be my last set of armour now that I also have a Storrmtrooper, Biker Scout & Sandtrooper, still in the works.
It will take me sometime to get my Fett together, don't plan to rush things & I want to go for screen accuracy, will take on board what the senior members recommend & such & looking forward to donning the armour on for the first time.


Just wanted to touch on why we have this rule in place. For a while we had people coming in who were essentially just here to sell. They would come in and immediately hit the Cargo Hold with no intention of becoming a part of the community and instead, only seeing the community as a source of revenue for themselves. This is why we put the rule in place. Actually, the rule used to be much more strenuous. At the RPF it is 20 posts and 45 days!

5 days isn't that long and 5 posts isn't much when it comes to a community like this. It helps you get to know the community better and helps the community (and sellers) get to know you as well.

Well I hope no one really reads this as I'm just annoyed so venting a little, lol... after sending a PM & then wanting to reply to a topic in the cargo hold which of course I couldn't it was then I decided to check why I couldn't which lead me to the, "New Member" restrictions.

This is my first post of 5 posts it would seem I'm required to make to acquire full member access, after 5 days.

After actually reading the new membership rules & regulations this time, lol... I must admit I can understand TDH reasoning but only to some extent.
As a member of the 501st Legion I've now decided to go BH as Fett/ ROTJ styles & it's rather frustrating having to wait 5 days & make 5 posts when I have inside knowledge so to speak & I know what it is I want to buy & in some cases from who but am not allowed to just yet so maybe you can see my point of view as well.

In case your wondering my callsign "Jaggered" is what I use with my garrison, MEPD & FISD. I've yet to join BSN but don't plan to any time soon until I look at going Lancer status.

Well it seems that Art hit it on the nail and stole my thunder. As Art said, the five days and posts will go by like that. Just take the time to look through the board and do some research. Everyone here is very helpful and friendly so feel free to ask any thing you have in mind.

Welcome to the board and the community.

Btw no worries about the Triumph, they still sell them in America as well :).
...lol Tx loved that last comment ;)

Cheers all for the heads up, much appreciated especially as I've only ever been & will be a buyer mind I do have some Sandtrooper stuff in the works but it won't be done for profit.

Well its official, I'm now on my way with my build.
I had sent MOW a PM & just as well I did I think, ended up buying his last set of size 13 boots so quite lucky there although I am a firm believer you can never have enough spares lol so will look for another set sometime in the future.
I've been in contact with LSFU, Debbi already has a order from me for other items so thought may as well keep it simple & just go with her for all my soft parts as well.
Looking at going with wickedbeard for my armour & gauntlets, toe spikes Mojo, as well as a number of other items from BBF otherwise only real concern's I need to look into are my helm, JP, EE-3, gloves & electronics.

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