Question on Licensed costume


Jr Hunter
This question has probably been answered a thousand times or so, but I'll ask it again. Has any officially liscensed lucasfilm company ever produced a quality high end Boba Fett costume?... I'm not talking Rubies either, I'm talking high end, lol. I mean Anovos now has the new current SW license. They produce nice stuff, but can they produce old SW stuff? I know EFX made a helmet prototype, MR made they're helmet, but no company has ever gone full-costume?.... To me that's strange. ... Not that I'm complaining, the stuff you can find here is closest to the real deal, but just curious as to why.
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There are a number of reasons why they didn't, mainly because there are so many different versions of Boba Fett. Sizing and costs are other factors to consider.
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They've always kept the license granting to companies that made child appropriate goods. I believe it was because they really deduced to the thought that there was not a market for higher end items/ collectibles. Much less R and D money for all the past items. So long story short, I'd wager that you're still better off buying from folks around here than the currently licensed folks.done right, these things just cost money and time. Did you see the Sideshow life size Boba? It did not start off that way, but morphed into that during prototype building.
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Yeah, I saw it at C7. Thanks to TDH it turned out nice.... The UNOFFICIAL License of true Fett goodness. ... It was more of a statue. The costume used was awesome, but the sculpted figure could have been better.
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To properly produce a mass marketed Boba Fett would probably run in excess of 10K with a conservative estimate. I think it will always be one of those costumes that will be cost prohibitive to make for an off the shelf item.
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To properly produce a mass marketed Boba Fett would probably run in excess of 10K with a conservative estimate. I think it will always be one of those costumes that will be cost prohibitive to make for an off the shelf item.

Yeah, but it could be like the 'creame du la creame' The best of the best. Anovos is making some expensive costumes, there no doubt is a market.... Believe me, I'm not suggesting they produce one, just surprised they haven't. It all makes sense. Sizing is a issue, cost, production, etc... I do prefer the method available to us here. We get to search, find quality parts, build, and create.
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The price point for profitability is not there for an accurate product. If it's right, it will simply cost too much to attract enough buyers to happen. So it gets dumbed down and ends up being less than desirable if you want close to screen accurate.
No one does everything. BM does some and sources the rest. FP has (in my opinion) the nicest hard parts available. Arkady soft parts, woodman girth and cape, MOW boots, Mike M or Major gloves, Sidewinder or Stormrider EE3 blaster. All top shelf stuff there man.
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I think the key is you can put together a screen accurate Boba Fett for 3-5K depending on how much of the work you can do yourself but a mass market one would be more than double if not two and a half times the cost to get close to the same effect.

I really do not see how they will ever mass produce a kit that is better than the ones produced by the guys and gals here on TDH. I mean Jeremy Bulloch himself said the one made for him was near perfect. And if I remember right the guys who worked on that project estimated it ran about 10K. That was producing one kit for one man.

The other thing is the first place that would probably suffer would be the paint job. It is just really tough to mass produce that type of detail. It would pass for some casual fans but for the real hard core guys (like the ones on this forum) it would never cut the mustard.
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Just wait until ANOVOS releases their Fett. They already 3d scanned the ESB hero and I'm sure the rest of the armor. So it'll be the closest, most accurate licensed costume compared to the screen worn suits and probably a lot more affordable. Thank god you get a choice to AVOID the EFX route of waiting a decade for a mediocre piece. This way we get the ESB hero helmet we deserve.
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Yeah a TK is one thing but Fett........

lifting stones is one thing, but this is completely different...........No, only in your mind.

Woodman is not yet ready to be a Jedi. ..........but you are completely right
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I Hope ANOVOS can pull it off. Then the scum and villainy will decease over the fett props. :)
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To answer your question NO

Lol!... Apparently not! Haha!...

Lots of threats of high-end Boba Fett costumes from makers in the past and present, but until we see some real items produced its all just talk. ... I tried to find something about the Anovos Fett, but all I saw was a computer screenshot of a helmet. ... How long is it going to take Anovos to actually make some costumes? Everything on their site is pre-order. Which means probably at earliest those orders go out in the Fall? Nothing Fett is there except a keychain. At this rate the earliest I see anything Fett costume related appearing is maybe next spring! ...
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If you want accurate Fett gear, contact FP. He's got the hard parts as accurate as you'd ever need or want them.
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If you want accurate Fett gear, contact FP. He's got the hard parts as accurate as you'd ever need or want them.

Done.... Ordered my armor set, jetpack, gauntlets, and EE-3 from him last month. And also paid extra for a 3 month rush... I already have my helmet from Bobamaker, and all my other parts on order from other good folks here... Trust me, quality costs, but it's worth it.
My question was just out of curiosity. Believe me, I don't mean to criticize anyone licensed or unlicensed.... It's just strange to me that after some 30 odd years, no official movie accurate Fett costume was ever made by the licensed guys. ... And I can understand why, considering all the issues already mentioned
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To properly produce a mass marketed Boba Fett would probably run in excess of 10K with a conservative estimate. I think it will always be one of those costumes that will be cost prohibitive to make for an off the shelf item.

Exactly. And this is if they even have a market for a screen accurate Fett...which....for the price that it 'would' cost....would really shy away a lot of buyers and not really bring in any money for the manufacturer. No profit, no point.
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Exactly. And this is if they even have a market for a screen accurate Fett...which....for the price that it 'would' cost....would really shy away a lot of buyers and not really bring in any money for the manufacturer. No profit, no point.

I believe there is a market, albeit a very small limited one.... Most people that grew up on the original trilogy are my age now, 40-50. They have disposable income. Let me ask you, which would you rather invest your money in, the stock market? Or a high end quality Boba Fett suit? Lol... Silly, I know, but our generation likes pop culture. We want to relive our childhood, LITERALLY! Haha! ... And after being at C7, and a few Comicons, I only see the market growing.
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'Part of the joy of the destination is the journey' ...sounds like mung bean eating, liberal BS but I guess if someone wanted a Fett out of a box there are great options..BM , RSProps all awesome kit, (not Licensed) but sure as white on rice accurate .. whilst supporting the Fetthead community..
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