Procrastination Fett: 2 jetpacks, 2 sets of armor in 24 days. And...........GO!


New Hunter
Well this is my first post in this forum and I am looking for suggestions. I have the hopes of making 2 jetpacks and two sets of armor. I have been looking through the forums on here for ideas and I just have to say that you guys are the most talented and imaginative people that I have ever met. with that being said, your opinions and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

I will attempt to make two jetpacks, 1 Boba (general) for my son and 1 Jango (general) for myself. I printed the templates from WoF. I will use the mid sized one for my son and the large size one for myself. I am using foam poster board from walmart, foam glue, 3" pvc, 2" pvc, a couple of 1 1/2" cardboard tubes (in case pvc doesnt fit right). I will be making a trip to Michaels (craft store) tomorrow for other ideas for fine tuning. I know that I will have to use somekind of putty for the seams. Whats the best kind? Ive seen mostly red bondo being used? Im not sure of what I will use for the rocket on bobas pack but I have ideas for Jangos.
Now for the armor, I will be using the trashcan method, so its straight forward (I think). Just have to get the sizes right. Will be using more WoF templates for that.

Already have the helmets, we have Rubies collectors 1 piece helmets, wont modify now, just have to concentrate on the other stuff for now.

I dont want you to get bored with me, so I'll end it there. Pic is of the materials that I have now (For one jetpack). I know that I am still a long way off, but heres a start. Thank you very much in advance for your comments, advice, criticism, etc. It is all very welcome and appreciated.
(this thread will be continued and progress will be documented nightly)
Sorry, Its been a few day since I've been up here. Been working more than being on the comp. The jet packs are comming along pretty well. I had to modify the templates a little for speed, not nessasarily for accuracy. Please keep in mind that this is my first try with the packs. Will put a little time into it this week after work. Hopefully by this weekend I will be painting the base of the pack.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how I am going to make the rocket part of the pack. Ive got a few ideas, but any from you guys would also be welcome.

Also I have been working on my sons Fett Blaster, the Hasbro one from Wally World, painted the whole thing a flat black and my son added wealthering/ battle damage. Here are the before and after pics for your viewing pleasure. I know the gunstock should be brown, but that is part of my sons "customization". We tried to take it apart so we could spray it without spraying all over thr red light that flashes when it fires. NO LUCK, you cant get this thing apart without breaking it, so, I tore little strips of paper, slid them through the holes in the gun to cover the light, then sprayed it. Once the paint dries, I'll give it a few days, and I'll take the strips of paper out. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Thanks again for reading and I'll try to update more often, John
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Looks like a good start man.
I do have a question (or for possibly someone more in the know), how is the scale of the Hasbro gun VS something prop/movie grade?
Im not sure of the scale difference exactly, but the hasbro one is a little smaller. There is a guy somewhere in one of the forums that has posted a picture of the two side by side. if i find it I'll link it.
there's a thread on the Hasbro blaster and i think they concluded it was about 33% smaller than a actual replica. Mainly due to the size of the stock. I got one myself and repainted it, it looks good if your just going to a Halloween party.

Also keep up the good work on the jet pack, I'm building mine right along with ya.
I've had luck building the rocket out of variose pieces of plastick bottles. Hot gue works the best and spackling putty (for walls) is a suitable if less durable option than bondo. Thin plastic from soda or disposable cups can also be easily molded w/ hot water. takes a few tries to get it than douse in cold to retain the shape. good luck!
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