General Masking fluid ..or...something..making "oil stains" on armor?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it still looks exactly the same :/ Im going to test one piece and see if i can mask the yellow/silver again and just respray the green. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.
Well i was able to fix the chest and ab pieces enough where im content with them. I remasked the yellow/silver on those pieces and sprayed 2 very light coats of the green with just a touch of thinner/spirits. It seems to have worked well.

The cod, i had to take down and start over. Which was ok because i think i made the silver damage at the dent a little too big anyway.

I also had to redo the right chest piece, but that was more because i went to heavy with the green and when i removed the mask for the grey under it, the paint was too thick, and although from a foot away you couldn't see was driving me nuts...sooo i stripped it back down.

Both the right chest and cod are now in primer...again. :/

I'll post pics tonight once im done for the day in the shop.

I have determined that this likely happened from overthinning the paint. When i made the color mix, i had put some thinner in the bottle with it. I forgot about that, and was thinning it as i went along as i do when using paint straight from the tin, so i likely had double the amount of thinner in the paint than i normally use. I also did a "splash" test but dripping some of the thinner onto one of my color test strips...and it made the exact same stain. So my guess is over thinned paint.
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Haha yea seriously!

Today was one of those days...i guess it started yesterday with this fiasco...but today i got up late..didnt get into the shop until 12 usually in there by 9:30-10:00. Then i saw the armor didnt change so i managed to fix that..for the most part. The cod and right chest just needed to be redone. So i took acetone on a rag to rub down most of the paint before sanding. while im doing that when i tilted the can back up ward it splashed and a blob of acetone came out and landed on the pressure gauge on my air now the plastic lens is frosted and i cant read it. Ugh. Later on ran out of grey primer, and i knocked down the bottle of mineral spirits and spilled about 1/3rd of it out. This was not really a good day or 2 :/
Haha yea seriously!

Today was one of those days...i guess it started yesterday with this fiasco...but today i got up late..didnt get into the shop until 12 usually in there by 9:30-10:00. Then i saw the armor didnt change so i managed to fix that..for the most part. The cod and right chest just needed to be redone. So i took acetone on a rag to rub down most of the paint before sanding. while im doing that when i tilted the can back up ward it splashed and a blob of acetone came out and landed on the pressure gauge on my air now the plastic lens is frosted and i cant read it. Ugh. Later on ran out of grey primer, and i knocked down the bottle of mineral spirits and spilled about 1/3rd of it out. This was not really a good day or 2 :/

Jeesh man. Did you have "Yakety Sax" playing in the background? :lol:
Hahahahahaha what makes it funnier is my "shop" is literally like a 6X6 tarped off area in the corner of the garage because my Shed/shop wasnt built when it was supposed to be. With the table and stuff in there i have about 2.5X2.5 feet of moving space..its awful... now, imagine me running around in that knocking stuff over and all LOL!
ok so it happened again when i masked off the silver anf layed down grey 106 on the right chest plate for some of the damage on the lower left of the plate. What i noticed was, it wasn't there until i buffed the piece with the 0000 steel wool. The grey left a little texture so i wanted to take it down, and then bam..there it was. Its very strange. Now it wasnt a big deal because i needed to remask the silver and then mask the grey before i lay down the next layer anyway, but i found it interesting it showed up after i buffed it down
Matt/MLS, its on my armor of course......which is FP, It also happened on another set which is a commission and that was RKD armor so i dont think it has anything to do with that.

I redid my cod thinking to just not thin the paint as much...nope...happened again..and i also noticed the paint was tacky where it was "oily looking" and it seems it made the yellow paint smudge.

So at this point, Im beginning to think it has to be the bottle of masking fluid as Matty Matt has just suggested. Im trying to figure out if this started with this bottle and i cant remember for the life of me. Anywho, I have a few bottles in reserve so im doing test strips now and using a new bottle of maskol before i paint my cod AGAIN.

Im also stopping painting the helmets im working on until i get this resolved as i dont want this to happen to 90% finished helmets.

I will let everyone know what happens...sigh..wish me luck
Try putting some talcum powder over the top of the areas where your getting the oilyness. The talcum powder will absorb up the oil and leave the paint alone. Works with clothing, and should work in this case as well.
Try putting some talcum powder over the top of the areas where your getting the oilyness. The talcum powder will absorb up the oil and leave the paint alone. Works with clothing, and should work in this case as well.

Thats an interesting idea. However its actually tacky, not oily. I had originally said "oily" because it LOOKS like an oil stain, but it is in fact tacky.
Ok, test strip with the new bottle of maskol seems to be ok. I did 2 regular and one i put the paint on heavier with a bit more thinner. i did primer,& silver, masked a spot, did yellow, removed the silver mask, masked silver and yellow, sprayed the ESB green mix. Neither had this happen. So im guessing this was due to the masking fluid being contaminated/no good. Good call Matty Matt!

I was able to continue on with a set of armor and everything came out excellent. Now, lets hope when i redo my all works out ok. :) Luckily i didnt lose too much shop time and can get back to work tomorrow :)
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