interest for an aluminum EE-3 stock bracket run?

Thanks Andy..yea ive been thinking about it for a long while, but didn hve a machinist local that had any clue about Star Wars so they kinda never understand what im doing and its frustrating lol. BUT i found a guy semi-local thats in the legion and he is finishing up some stalks for my helmets and i mentiond i wanted to do this, and he said he may be interested in doing em. So as soon as i have one in hand im going to send it off to him to look at and we can work on how to do it cost effectively. Im hoping to get reasonable price, but it all depends what all is involved to get the details id like.

Keep in mind this likey wont be a dead on replica. My intention is to have something as accurate as i can looks wise that can be trooped with and be stiffer than resin, but lighter than steel.

As i get info on this i will post it here. We are still doing the stalks...and im thinking of possibly having him do ones drilled specifically for the servo adapters and lock on with a set screw. I havent even mentioned this other stalk idea to him yet though lol
Im working on it with MojoFett now.....we are talking about actually casting it at a foundry, (like KenChan mentioned) so this may turn out better than i originally hoped. :)
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Awesome, glad we still have the interest!

Having them machined is very pricey and they would likely have to be 2 pieces ( the "nub" being a separate piece) but, having them cast would be more cost effective, and more accurate technically. We are going for casting in aluminum to keep the weight down for trooping. I am trying to keep the price under $75 but we shall see once all quotes/info is received. Hoping these can be reasonably priced. :)
Awesome, glad we still have the interest!

Having them machined is very pricey and they would likely have to be 2 pieces ( the "nub" being a separate piece) but, having them cast would be more cost effective, and more accurate technically. We are going for casting in aluminum to keep the weight down for trooping. I am trying to keep the price under $75 but we shall see once all quotes/info is received. Hoping these can be reasonably priced. :)

The quote I got from my guy who wanted to CNC them in 2 pieces (connecting the grip catch by threading a rod into the "nub") was insane. Min 5 per order at $245/per. The other pieces I had him quote weren't much better comparatively. I don't think he quite understood what was going on. I know what I can get a steel one for with a wooden stock. Aluminum would be ideal though.
If you can keep it under $75 that would be good.
Yea i hear ya Matt! I was afraid of a quote like that when i originally thought of doing these. Alot of these folks dont quite get what we want. They really need to be a Star Wars nerd to get it completely lol. Hence, why im working with Mojo, not only is he a SW nerd, but he does excellent work. There is a whole step eliminated just because he knows what im talking about lol. I think these will be great, and i told him id like to keep em around that $75 price point. :) Once we get costs nailed down, and we feel its reasonable, i'll likely start an interest thread.
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