I'm a college grad!!! :)


Sr Hunter
Hi TDHers,
Today I took my final exam in the last class of my degree program. I got an A, so that
means that I'm officially done with my Bachelor's! :D
I'm graduating with a degree in Business Administration-Technology Management.

I took quite a long detour in my college education. A 24 year career in the USAF got in
the way a little bit, but thanks to the GI Bill, I was able to complete my course of study.

I'm a little in shock right now. It's been a bumpy road getting here, but I've arrived.
I should receive my diploma in about 4 weeks.

Just wanted to share some good news. :thumbsup:
Wait, you've done these amazing paint jobs while also juggling with school?! I completely missed that little factoid. You must be a machine, sir!
Awsome, congrats! I'm also a 15 year Navy vet that didn't start school until after the military. I graduate this Oct with my BA. Congrats again and thanks for your service!
Thanks again. :)
I just saw that grades were posted, and that my overall GPA for my
program means that I will graduate with honors! :thumbsup:
Thanks again. :)
I just saw that grades were posted, and that my overall GPA for my
program means that I will graduate with honors! :thumbsup:

Congrats man!! Having graduated in December I know the burden that just got lifted off your shoulders! So many doors just opened for you, it's hard to know which is the right one to walk through!
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