Gloves Different Glove Material?


Active Hunter
Okay, so before you lay into me about being crazy or whatever, please try and keep an open mind...

After looking at reference pictures over and over again, I'm beginning to think that the quilted/padded/backhand-fingertop parts on the ESB glove are not of a cloth material. Has anyone thought this as well?

This is the main image I keep going back to:
If you save the image and zoom in, it definitely (to me) does not appear to be cloth or tackle twill or even just simple cotton quilting. I'll try and find some pictures of what material I think it is but I honestly don't know the name, however I KNOW I have seen a better match of material before.

Also the base glove itself seems to almost be suede or something similar to what some work gloves are made of... I'm not sure again, just spit balling and trying to bounce ideas off of everyone. The tackle twill I think has too much sheen to it.
You can see in this photo better the texture of the base glove:
And in this photo you can see the material actually tearing away a little bit off of the left thumb which leads me to believe that it is indeed something closer to leather or some similar material:
I will say that as for the material on the tips and backs of hands what I immediately think of from those pics is the nylon (I guess) that "puffy" jackets were/are made of. Like Marty McFly's vest but a different color of course. The way the material bunches at the seams in some of the reference pics remind me of those vests/coats.
I will say that as for the material on the tips and backs of hands what I immediately think of from those pics is the nylon (I guess) that "puffy" jackets were/are made of. Like Marty McFly's vest but a different color of course. The way the material bunches at the seams in some of the reference pics remind me of those vests/coats.

Agreed. I think you may be over thinking this a bit catbread. While your observations clearly show alot of thought and its always a good idea to question the general consensus, I just don't see anything there that would lead me to believe the esb gloves are different from what has been established as the "norm" for many years, (cotton gloves with synthetic material white patches). We know that 6 sets of gloves were made to go with the corresponding 6 white supertooper suits, and all these were most likely made at the same time, and of the same materialse. Judging by the very close up pics of the tour suits, it has pretty much been established the gloves are vintage cotton parade gloves. The white patches are undoubtedly a synthetic/somewhat shiney material.

There really is no reason to think that the esb gloves are anything different. Of course it's always possible that an extra set of gloves were made for the esb suit later on...(potentially made from something else,) but when looking at the pics, I still see cotton gloves/nylon patches. Just my 2 cents. I do agree with you though, that racket twill is too shiney, does not have the correct texture, and is to heavy of a fabric.
Here's a close up pic from earlier this year at the Power of Costume exhibit. Assuming these gloves are original, they appear to be the consensus parade glove material for the main part of the glove. The non-shiny (or at least less shiny side) of tackle twill could have been the material for the back of the hands and the tips, but it's not as obvious to identify.
Good question. I have no idea on the lineage of the gloves and what was reused or redyed or what. Hopefully someone else can chime in.
As I understand it, they did use the same gloves from ESB to ROTJ, they had faded from wear and use.

If we could ever determine a close match than tackle twill, that would be good news.

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Looking more at the pictures again, I think the base glove that Major is using has the correct texture. I'm still looking for what the top fabric could be, I'm going to head out to a few fabric shops around me and see what they've got.
Found a good color shot of the PP2 gloves which shows the texture/sheen of the top padding, would it be too far fetched to think that they used the same material for the ESB gloves?
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There is a picture of Sandy dying the PP2 gloves so whatever material was used for the patches has to be a blend for it to take some of the dye like it did. Of course I guess she could have been using a special dye but we don't know.
the gloves all go back to the original super trooper costumes that were made. so they already had the pads sewn on when they began dying them for other versions. the pad on the pre-pro 2 took on a bit of the brown color from the dying process as did the cotton thread used to quilt the pads. that's why esb gloves have grey quilt lines and the pre-pro's have brown quilt lines.
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Am I the only one who thinks the quilted parts are light grey (similar to the flak vest) rather than white?
I use "greyish" tackle twill for the pads on the back of the gloves. under bright lights and contrasting against the darker grey of the gloves the pads can appear white.
As I understand it, they did use the same gloves from ESB to ROTJ, they had faded from wear and use.

If we could ever determine a close match than tackle twill, that would be good news.

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Mate how can be that only 3 years of time and very few screen used times make that change on the color?
maybe the dark grey we used don't have to be so dark? also in some screen captures here in the gallery the gloves don't seems dark grey, but only grey so my question is:
does maybe boba gloves are the same grey ? and the dark is only a question of lights during filming and/or postproduciton movie montage?
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