Designing A Club Patch


Jr Hunter
Greetings All:

Ok here is both a question and a prob but first the question

ok my question is the patch that you see is a patch i intend on making for the group i'm starting in the state of new jersey and i need some help with letter and design placing would some 1 help me out on it so i can make this patch, which i need a bantha skull placed on the top part of the state in the yellow color so it all matches even the letters too


Top Part: New Jersey
Center Bar: Mandalorian's Group
Bottom Part: Garden State

Bantha Skull i need on the state top part


Snake Eyes:jet pack
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Snake Eyes, In my opinion you have a major faux pas going on with your basic patch design. You have placed the state of New Jersey in a "No" Sign. I am afraid anything you do on top of this is still going to send an anti-New Jersey message, which I am assuming is NOT the message you want to send...

BTW, nice use of the Arashikage Clan tattoo on your right breastplate. How often do people immediately pick up on that?
Ah ok see i never knew there was a anti nj thing going on but oh well it's just somthing i'm getting to gether with other mando in the state, and thank you for the compliment on my armor clan design which it's funny your the 10th person to get what it is and i do have that tattoo on my arm. Yeah it's not that i think i have detaild the idea because a few guys i know that are in the state police here think it's a great idea since some of them got their help from me on doing their mando gear which i told them who to see and where to go and get the mando gear and also directed them to this site and anlso had gave them some links to other mando groups and the history of mando's.

Snake Eyes:jet pack
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