Clone trooper costume sites?

Southern hunter

Active Hunter
OK, fellow Fett heads, I've been enlisted to make a Clone trooper costume. :) I've got a helmet, so now I just need templates for body armor etc. I'm sure someone here knows a few good websites where I can find the necessary info. :confused Help please. :cry

Thanks, y'all! :cheers
COOL! Thanks everyone. BTW, if anyone knows of costume building sites for other Imperial, AT-AT drivers, TIE pilots, etc, please post them. I'd love to visit them also.

Thanks again! :cheers
i'm more of a guy myself. they have a lot more activity in the episode 2 clones than
Thanks everyone for the websites. :thumbsup: I'm a little frustrated, though. I want to build from scratch, not BUY an armor kit, but my searches for WIP turn up threads that start off with armor. A search for templates and blueprints turned up blaster rifles and pauldrons. What gives?:confused SURELY, someone has made a decent clone trooper costume from sintra or by vac-forming.

I'm asking you guys and gals here on TDH before I go posting newbie questions on Might save some embarrassment and frustration. :)

Any ideas, comments or suggestions?
honestly mate - as already said - check out clone-empire as well. remeber that clone empires is not 501 affliated

lots of builders there - and if u are wanting to scratch build - lots of people to talk too, lots of builder post on there.

on - R2lass from casters inc is currently making new molds.

Unfortunately - as each kit so far is artisit impression of the CGI suits - think most people self sculpt, not sure if there are blueprints available out there.

Certainly one guy was trying it out just to quech his inner builder (UNK)

Thanks everyone for the websites. :thumbsup: I'm a little frustrated, though. I want to build from scratch, not BUY an armor kit, but my searches for WIP turn up threads that start off with armor. A search for templates and blueprints turned up blaster rifles and pauldrons. What gives?:confused SURELY, someone has made a decent clone trooper costume from sintra or by vac-forming.

Any ideas, comments or suggestions?

I do have a little experience with this, and I will tell you that if you are trying to build a set of clone trooper armor from scratch, It would be a good idea to draw your own templates to the size of your own body. There is no reason to assume that someone else is going to do a better job than you. You can't always trust something you find on the web.

That having been said, a project like this can cost $2K-$3K, take up an entire garage for 2 years. There are around 33 individual pieces to the armor. That is 33 sculpts, 30 molds, 30 casts for bucks, 30 pieces of vacuformed plastic - just to get started. Next you must assemble all those piece of plastic into a suit of armor, and that is if you have done everything perfectly from the start. Only after you have gone through all that will you know if you made a piece the right size and if you need to rework the molds and start over again.

How much experience do you have at this sort of thing? You might like to start with something small, perhaps even 1/4 scale to get the feel of it.
Thanks, bro. :thumbsup: Or should I say "cheers mate"! :cheers Looks like I was barking up the wrong tree, uh, website. :D Sounds like a ton of work. No wonder people buy Stormies and clone armor instead of making it.
Thanks everyone for the websites. :thumbsup: I'm a little frustrated, though. I want to build from scratch, not BUY an armor kit, but my searches for WIP turn up threads that start off with armor. A search for templates and blueprints turned up blaster rifles and pauldrons. What gives?:confused SURELY, someone has made a decent clone trooper costume from sintra or by vac-forming.

I'm asking you guys and gals here on TDH before I go posting newbie questions on Might save some embarrassment and frustration. :)

Any ideas, comments or suggestions?

i think if you ask him real nice, skup might be able to do up some pepakura (however you spell it) off some good screen caps of clones.

honestly mate - as already said - check out clone-empire as well. remeber that clone empires is not 501 affliated


in an official capacity, tdh is not 501st affiliated either, but as far as i can tell this site is more popular than the 501st official bounty hunter site.

I do have a little experience with this, and I will tell you that if you are trying to build a set of clone trooper armor from scratch, It would be a good idea to draw your own templates to the size of your own body. There is no reason to assume that someone else is going to do a better job than you. You can't always trust something you find on the web.

That having been said, a project like this can cost $2K-$3K, take up an entire garage for 2 years. There are around 33 individual pieces to the armor. That is 33 sculpts, 30 molds, 30 casts for bucks, 30 pieces of vacuformed plastic - just to get started. Next you must assemble all those piece of plastic into a suit of armor, and that is if you have done everything perfectly from the start. Only after you have gone through all that will you know if you made a piece the right size and if you need to rework the molds and start over again.

How much experience do you have at this sort of thing? You might like to start with something small, perhaps even 1/4 scale to get the feel of it.

it takes a special kind of crazy to undertake sculpting your own full body armor. i'm not saying it can't be done, i'm just saying it takes a special kind of crazy to make that kind of sacrifice time, money, and storage space. but i bet it'd be incredibly rewarding once it's all done.
clonesix - its my cloning god!?!?


I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!?!?

*runs off screaming into the distance*

btw Mr Hunter - I am abt to start a clone build, and from the looks of various WIP; even when u have a kit, it looks like a major undertaking. Lots of fitting, customising and modding.

even if there isnt that satisfaction of a scratch build - I've been told a well assembled clone armour is still a big achievement! I am kinda looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time!

Good luck on ur search!

even if there isnt that satisfaction of a scratch build - I've been told a well assembled clone armour is still a big achievement! I am kinda looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time!

heck yeah! i think 3 times already i've thought "why??? why am i doing this??? i stopped wearing my TK for a REASON!!!"

and i've only been working on it for a week!!
argh! stormtrooper guy is following me :D
so this is where u normally post huh
nice Hasb mode matey - but remember "post CLEAR NON DARK pics of their work" pls heh

btw its Nate (Heatshock) form CE forums
Yeah, I kind of wondered about buying a kit in the first place. I mean do they come Small, Medium, Large, Ginormous or One Size fits most? :confused Either way there's got to be a lot of fine tuning involved.

Honestly, the Clone trooper project is for my daughter's Halloween costume for NEXT year, so my standards are not too high for the costume. I just don't want her wearing a vinyl jumpsuit from Fleabay as her armor.:(

I'm finishing up her "Angel Fett" soon. Gauntlets, knee armor are about all I've got left for it. BTW, we did go in costume to Clone Wars, but I haven't posted pix yet. I'll be posting pix later. :)

We had a blast!
argh! stormtrooper guy is following me :D
so this is where u normally post huh
nice Hasb mode matey - but remember "post CLEAR NON DARK pics of their work" pls heh

btw its Nate (Heatshock) form CE forums

haha! yeah, the clone thing is new to me. i've been working on my fett for almost 4 years now.

i've been trimming and gluing and sanding and... i think the clone has been more work than my first boba was! 'course it will look a LOT better than my first boba did!
Building a good clone, and I mean a good looking clone, takes work. It is nothing like assembling a TK. A quality clone build is likely to be the most labor intensive costume assembly you wil take, and that is with purchasing the armor, not creating it form scratch. I found it much easier to create a decent Jango that a clone. For the Fett, quality parts can be bought and with some limited attention to detail in assembly, you can get good results. You can purchase the best clone armor out there and with similar attention to detail such as with a fett build, your clone won't look as good. It takes extra work from the end user to make the clone stand out. Special attention in fitting the parts to YOUR body and keeping them in proportion to each other is key to pulling off a quality clone costume.
Hey S Hunter Steellitz really knows wot hes talking abt - he's kinda 1 of the "big boys" in clone world :D

* psst -nudge nudge - hit him up for a quality foam belt too*

Small, Medium, Large, Ginormous or One Size fits most?

one of the biggest probs is that the Clone kits are based on sculpts that try and mimic the CGI look. As a whole think kits were meant to fit someone abt 5'11'' - 6'1' ish although recently a makers has come out with a "short" kit. I know of at least one guy who shaped his kit to kit a 5'5'' frame and still looked good! Also as SB already said - its a less forgiving armour; and maintaining proportions is the key. I have set aside abt 1 year to 1.5yrs for my clone build - and I have been told thats abt right (I'm 5'9'' 180lbs)

If u are doing this for ur daughter - I know on CE theres a WIP thread with a guy who did a foam build for his kid that looks quite good really!

Hope that helped

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