BudaFett's ESB Fett WIP

Finished base has been moved upstairs!

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Nice to see this is coming along really nicely, brother. Can't wait to see it completed. Will you plan on trooping with this or just a display piece?
Thanks guys!

Verbal, he'll be a display piece much like Matty Matt's who totally inspired me to build a display!
Pretty slow on updates but my flightsuit and vest are almost completed from Clothears! Can't wait!
I know there haven't been many substantial updates in the past few months but there have been some great updates this weekend! My helmet and armor will be picked up in June from Ponte and my flight suit and vest from Clothears is complete and on it's way to me! Here's what Alison sent me this morning! The only thing I'm waiting for now is my gauntlets and holster from Chris...



My clothears flight suit and vest came yesterday! The quality on the flight suit and vest are unlike anything I've ever seen. Truly great work!

This is where the project stands as of right now. My armor and helmet will be done in June. I'm still waiting on my gauntlets and holster from Chris. I can almost see a light at the end of the tunnel...


I had a little free time this afternoon. I attacked the pouches to the ammo belt using velcro. I also put on the girth belt to see how everything minus the armor and holster would look, and I think it looks great. The girth belt still needs to have holes punches for a more permanent fit. I also hope to get my straps installed next weekend so I can hang my jetpack on my mannequin as well. It's nice to have my Fett gear on the mannequin than just sitting in my closet.




Very nice seeing it coming together! If I was to saying anything critical, it would be that even with the weathering on there it's still looking rather new. Perhaps giving the cloth a bit of wear and tear and putting a bit more dirt on it might give it a better worn feel.
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