AE Armor Size


I currently have Fettpride v4 armour which works fine for most of the costume except the chest where it‘s becoming obvious the more pieces I get that it’s too small in relation to my vest and GMH. I’m 5’6” and 140 pounds so still need chest armour in the smaller scale. Anyone who has the AE armour, could you measure the chest and shoulder pieces for me, please? The longest lengths and height will be fine. I’m still unsure if I need to go bigger still than the AE armour.

This is my FP v4 armour on my mannequin compared to the ESB look of the armour practically touching. My armour is a lot shorter and could be a bit wider (the skinny mannequin arms make it look a lot more proportionate than it actually is).
From my understanding, V4 is just before the AE/FPA(V5) armor.

Take a look at the attached. I suck at paint but its 6 inch across and 9 inches tall.
"But I will say that the FPA is in fact larger than the V.4. as can be seen in the attached pic"-FettPride

EDIT: forgot to attach the picture lol!


  • fpa1.jpg
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Hmmmm, I have his FPA armor - he told me it was version 5...? He said version 4 was too small and version 3 was too big.

I can measure still and give you an idea tho! Let me know!
Thanks for the pictures, that helps.

I'm going to go for it. If it still looks small, I guess I can always resell it like I plan to do with this v4 set.
Thanks for the pictures, that helps.

I'm going to go for it. If it still looks small, I guess I can always resell it like I plan to do with this v4 set.
I make and sell FP gear.
If you’d like, pay for the shipping and I’ll send you a chest set to try out. Return it if you don’t like it, or purchase and keep.
That's very generous although I'm in the UK so potential return shipping would be costly. I'm planning on getting your gauntlets too, so I was going to order them together for combined shipping anyway.
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