The Asylum's Custom Armor Progress Thread

More like this.

Let me just reinforce for anyone that's thinking about doing the same thing that THIS HELMET SUCKS! I think I'm going to end up taking some unusual tactics to hide this giant seam running down the middle of the helmet.

That being said, it is going to look incredible.

Shots with primer just to get some perspective on where I need to focus my efforts. Besides the seam, I think it's coming along nicely.
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The latest progress pics.

The helmet has been sanded down using 120 grit to reshape the seam and flatten it.

The armor has two coats of gloss clear and two coats of 'Lusterless'. I think that ought to protect it from most everything.

And my TK leg armor. You can just see the red stripe down the center denoting some long forgotten Stormtrooper regiment that this Mando would probably have removed from a downed foe to possibly protect a wound during a protracted battle or while awaiting extraction. It was eventually painted, along with the shoulder bell, to match the rest of the armor.
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It definately breaks away from the typical mando, I can't wait to see the finished product!

Good Job so far man!
I'm not usually into custom stuff :o

This one definitely caught my attention ...

Excellent job you're doing there ! Unique concept, but what's more ..
you're weathering looks fantastic ! Subtle enough not to look "forced", yet believably worn and used! VERY NICE !

Great job bro,

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