2nd set of trash can armor

yup... I still plan on trying to make my own vests like the one you made, I like that fabric.

With these I'm afraid to weather them, they look too good. ;)
No crazieness, thank Mandalore. The worst guy was sent to a different facility, so no fights lately.
I did send 1 guy out to a new facility on Monday, and he came back Tuesday on a 5150 for a 72hr hold, aparently he was talking to his mom on the phone at the new place and got mad and threw the phone into the TV.
I'm working again tonight, and off tomorrow, so I will let you guys know if there's any craziness tonight, and will do a little work on my bucket tomorrow.
Kando'sii! the armor sets for you and your kids are great!

I made lightsabers for myself, friends, and siblings for Xmas and now am looking at making some armor but as I'm I'm almost totally new to costuming I'm going to need a lot of help and details.

I think I understand the basics of how to do just about everything from making the armor and painting it and detailing with props (gun, saber, helmet clip, gloves etc.) so basically I'm looking for two things: armor templates and details on helmets.

I'm actually really confused as to the helmets. Can you buy them? I think I remember reading about someone buying a clone helmet and customizing it for a clone armor set but what about for Mando? You're making yours, but where did you get the template? And what were you using to make it? A metal trash can, cardboard, and clay? Bondo?

Help Please!!!
You're from Chattanooga! Cool. Ever heard the song by Glenn Miller?

There are several people here who supply helmets they make themselves out of different materials. Lots of people do scratch builds, like our good buddy adonian here.

Have you tried searching templates yet? There are plenty of those. Especially look at the stickies on the helmet forum in Boba Helmet. I'm pretty sure there's temps there.

Hope that helps.

Can't wait for stories, adonian! ;)
Yep, I've heard it all right, I swing dance a lot. It's a great town.

I tried searching the word "templates" and but all I got was threads like this one where people talked about them but didn't actually post any links or down load files. I'll look around some more though, thanks for the help.
That link is for the helmet

That link is for the armor

That link is for the gauntlets

I use trash cans as you can see, I just got my 2 vests, I have a whit girth belt (a horse girth belt), and I am still working on my white bucket.

As for stories, your not gonna believe this.............

The realy psychotic guy we sent out (the one who attacked the nurse) HE'S BACK!!!

Back to the armor...

I use the above listed templates, print them on regular paper, then use a glue stick and put that paper on priority mail envelopes since they are FREE BABY!!, then I just cut fold and tape.

After I get it all taped together, this time I did a resin coating on the inside and outside, then put fiberglass around the weaker areas, like the inner rim around the dome and face, then the t-visor and cheek bones, and I put fiberglass on the outside over the t-visor so when I cut it it SHOULDN'T warp like my first bucket.

I hope to have this white bucket a little more underway soon. I kind of have a plan to make the wide flare, I am gonna try it tomorrow, I hope to post progress tomorrow night.
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we sent him to a group home, he said he felt afraid that he might hurt someone... WOW if he's cognative enough to know that, then he's in his right mind enough to go to jail if he does, so he comes into the psych unit pretending so he wont go to jail... these people use the system to their advantage.

There are some patients that are there that really need help, and i feel for them, but guys like this guy... when he need's an injection, i make sure the needle goes in slow ;)

as for armor and bucket, family happened today so no updates sorry :(
Boba's on TV...
Just watchin' a little TV on break and the patients are watchin' ESB :lol:

Boba comes on the screen and I'm like YEAH! And the patients give me a look... Am I crazy?!
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Sweet! Thanks so much for the links you guys rock. One last question, I know eventually I'll want to build my own helmet (or several :] ) but where could I buy one to start with, to have to look at while building my own, you know? Oh, and how much do they run?
If you just need 1 for reference, you could go with a rubies 2 piece, at least they don't warp like the rubies deluxe, but I did mine w/o a reference bucket.
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