Jango “Mystery Helmet” - Long Read

Dreams do come true!
Interested! I think so! Price pending...

And just to sound greedy....
Any chance of a run of original Chest armor.
I saw it around the same time as the helmet.

FP, AWESOME! AWESOME! AWSEOME!:thumbsup: I would also be interested in the screen accurate helmet and armor as well. If they both indeed exist and will be part of the "TDH Exclusive" I look forward to further developments.

CaptJono said:
And just to sound greedy....
Any chance of a run of original Chest armor.
I saw it around the same time as the helmet.

Still thinking about that ;)

Galactic Bounty Hunter said:
If they both indeed exist and will be part of the "TDH Exclusive" I look forward to further developments.

They exist big guy ;)

Thanks for the responses folks :cheers

I'm interested FP :)

Thank you to give the opportunity to TDH member to own a "real" Jango Helmet :)

Ps: oops you got a useless PM, sorry I have not seen the "not" in your last paragraph.
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Nahh! not intersted! my stuff is good enough already.

Just kidding.

I'm in!!

sign me up!!!

AWWW HECK my daughter doesn't need to go to Collage!!!:lol: Sign me up too FP!!!:eek: .......

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: ALL HAIL FP!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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shortimer52 said:
YUP! I agree!!!

Put me on the list, ill drop a very nice penny on this! SO much for that bike I wanted this year.

YEAH ...So much for Dragon CON..:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just want to say again that this would be an absolute Treat to all of us here if this becomes reality.......

Here's the original thread that BM posted....in case anyone doesn't remember what's being talked about here...;) http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=9537

THANKS AGAIN FP!! :thumbsup:
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Wow!!!!!!!! This is huge!! You're really generous in offering these FP. Would be cool as heck to get one!! I really wish I had some extra $, but at this point, can't really afford anything that isn't directly related to the rest of my ESB suit.
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