Jango Gauntlet Blades - Screencaps inside

Then you need to figure out how you're going to get the larger sized blades to fit inside the side housing, without either making the blades smaller, or enlarging the side housing. ;)
It appears to me from the original photos that the blades are layers rather than on a single plane. This would explain a collapsable retraction. I like the levering idea. Another solution may be a wire system that works like a spring loaded fishing reel. If the reel could be forced to rewind and the blades were forced to eject with spring tension, the entire device may be able to fit inside. Another possibility of course would be an RC car servo connected to one of the existing switches on the gauntlet.
Again, it is important to understand that modifications must be made to my wooden model.

If you look at the width of the widest blade in the screencaps, to me at least, it appears as though this would fit inside the gauntlet housing.
Study my model. It is obvious that the base piece can be AT LEAST half as wide as it is.
Also, as per my explanation in my previous post, when made of metal and thinner, the blades would have a slight upturn on their facing edge. They would, in closing, pass over the pivot point of the one next to them(this point being the four right ones in my pic). The closing needn't actually stop until both parallel bars close on each other. This should illustrate that the housing need only be SLIGHTLY wider than the widest part of the widest blade.
If calculated properly and adjusted in design, the finished piece would fold into an entire package as wide as the widest blade.
I am about to go grab some lunch but I just thought of something that could be simpler...rubber bands. Bands could work with the lever method but would delete the need for the post.
This is what I am talking about with bands for releasing the blades. Then a switch could be modified to hold and release the blades.


Ok check this out. Again, like MMM, this is very rough....just an idea I had which really looks like it will work well. All of the blades are just cardboard cutouts and are larger than they should be. The model was done roughly and definetely needs work....ok so here we go.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, LEGOS!








Okay like I said the gearing needs work and the blades are not the right size (not to mention everything is taped). BUT i think gearing will work. Notice how the blades go in and out in different directions. Also, you can see how I cut a groove into one of the hooked blades to clear the gear rod. I cut it way to big but it works and you wouldnt see that area when installed. You may even be able to eliminate that if done correctly. Also, I intended for the wide blade to actually come straight up (which it can because the two gears in that area go in opposite directions and could force a geared blade up) but didn't have the time right now. I'll try to perfect this later.
I just realized my mistake. The hooked blades should come out from the right instead of the left. That would solve the problem and take less space.
If you weren't scared enough, here is a template for everyone that I took off those screenshots. The template only includes the visible area. The second one is color coded to demonstrate the layering of the blades (at least how I see it). In order for these all to fit, every blade needs to be thought of as a circle. If any two circles intersect, they need to be on separate layers. No one circle's radius can pass another circle's midpoint without needing to be mounted on it's own plane (like in the back of the black legos) or having a notch cut in it for clearance of the pivot point.


OOOOOOH! I get it:facepalm

(the pivot and intersecting circle stuff is so far beyond my comprehension it hurts my noodle)
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