Cover up those necks!


Well-Known Hunter
I used to wear a screen accurate balaclava to hide my neck, but found it hot & uncomfortable & it further blocked my hearing. Taking a cue from Boba I substituted the head covering for a neck seal only. Wayyy more comfortable & cooler which is important in an already warm costume. I'll be putting a couple of these in the Cargo Hold or you can pm me for info if interested. It does up with velcro in the front (or back if you like) & I sewed mine permanently into my costume.

Pics are up now. This is the prototype & I am going to make a small modification to it after reading some of the comments here. Stay tuned.

neck front.JPG

neck installed 001.JPG
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The only problem with that is that the kids see your chin...and believe you me, they tell you LOL!

...But i think most of us only use the neckseal. I have a black balaclava i use with my bikerscout and sometimes my TK that i sometimes use with my Fett when i know there will be alot of direct contact with the lil ones so they dont point out that they can see my chin lol.

Curious to see what you have made though, there are a few makers of Fett neckseals..they are tough to nail down, but always good to have more suppliers of anything!
Who makes an accurate fett balaclava? I didn't even think about kids seeing my chin. Since I'm 6'4" all the kids will see up my helmet.
I seem to not be able to post pics for some reason. It worked fine for me the other night?

I am getting an HTTP 500 server error. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
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I like the new seal BK, and for those who want to hide their chins but minimize their sweating, Under Armor makes a "Heat Gear" balaclava that I use and it's the most comfortable compromise I've found. It's tough to find them, but when you live in state like FL, a cold weather balaclava will just about kill you in the summer.
The mod I will be making will address covering the chin so your head won't get so hot. I am one of those people that heats up quickly & even in our colder climate a balaclave makes me sweat. I would need to wear a sponge if I was in a hotter place!
Yes, these can be made without the ribbing. I am going to revise it to look more like what is seen on Clone Wars & it should be able to cover up the chin as well.
I came on to ask this very question. Had two kids who said they can see my chin! I think I'll go the underarmor route, found it for $20. Summers here are brutal enough, and we all know Jango isn't a nice and breezy costume as it is. I've heard nightmare stories about the gasket/skirt and the lack of oxygen.

Yours looks great, I can't wait to see the final product with the chin cover, I'll probably order one myself.
Is this project still happening?
Maybe you have a progress pic or two to share....
No rush, but would love to get one.

I haven't done anything with this for awhile, been too busy getting ready for summer. I would like to tweak the pattern a little further but you will be first on my list! Feel free to pm me with any suggestions & I'll see if my wife wants to tackle this again.
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