New Helmet Templates WIP.

Morning guys!

I know I said I'd have this uploaded by the end of the day yesterday, I was hoping to have had the Arena pack ready too to release them both lastnight. Unfortunately I ran out of time, then to top it off my connection died and I couldn't even upload the helmet. :(

I'll have the Arena pack done shortly(this morning) so I'm making the helmet available now! :D

I've scaled this to 27cm(height) but being pepakura, it can easily be rescaled before printing so if for example you had a kid and wanted to make him/her a helmet, then you could. ;) Also, I didn't know the height of an actuall 1/1 helmet.

Get them here:

View attachment Fett Helmet

View attachment Fett

Hope you like them, and if there are any prblems don't hesitate to ask or mention them. ;)
Skup --

Working on my Daft Punk helmet again, but once I finish up some work with that, I will be tackling this. The Thomas Bangalter Daft Punk helmet is, after all, mostly pepakura based, as well. :D
Wow, it looks like you've put a lot of hard work into this project.

One question... What if a member is on a MAC system?

I looked on the "Pepakura Designer" site and their programs appear to be only offered as PC versions. Are there PDFs for these templates?

Keep up the great work.
Thanks fellas.

Fettenstein, you make a very good point. Pepakura is Windows only. :( Though I know Mac users can run windows and therefore use Pepakura. Though I know nothing about how that is done. Sorry.

I didn't make PDFs of this as they would then be pretty much identical to the WoF templates. The whole point to using Pepakura, was that scaling would be easier(using a simple height value) and because there's a 3D representation window which provides great build reference so people know what part goes where.
I use a Mac. What you can use (which is what I use) is "Parallels" software for your Mac. It allows you to run windows on your Mac. It's great! You would then load Pepakura on to your Mac via Parallesl/Windows.

Good luck.
Thanks fellas.

Fettenstein, you make a very good point. Pepakura is Windows only. :( Though I know Mac users can run windows and therefore use Pepakura. Though I know nothing about how that is done. Sorry.

I didn't make PDFs of this as they would then be pretty much identical to the WoF templates. The whole point to using Pepakura, was that scaling would be easier(using a simple height value) and because there's a 3D representation window which provides great build reference so people know what part goes where.

I understand your reasoning. Not all Mac users can afford to spend the money for virtual machine software and a copy of Windows, and PDF printing is free. Also, your work is different from WoF's in that yours has all the paper tabs, so if someone just wanted to print out one at 50% and do a papercraft model, yours are set up to do that.

Anyway, great work on this project.
Just finished building it! It was harder than a Mk VI bucket! But it looks good. Might I suggest adding more support for the eye area. otherwise it's perfect....for me atleast:D. Now it on to glassing, bondo and sanding.
Support to the eyes? Well, my thinking was that the T-Visor part can be used to fill that area in and then be removed after glassing it. ;)

Can't wait to see your pics my friend. :)
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