What's your occupation?

I worked part time as a cash register jockey, but have quit to finish up my last semester of college. In December I'll be a graduate with a degree in communications/PR so not really sure what I'm going to be other than very happy to have it over with.

Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear and if I do it's something unusual. But you, When you made it with that cow! I want to party with you. But you and me together? Forget it. <anybody?>

No really. I'm a Deputy Sheriff. I could do worse.....8)
im a senior framer at a local frame shope here in columbus ga, how ever i will soon be going back to school to get my degree in special effects make-up and design
Give it up to the winner...Saint_Nasty!!!

I'm a consultant with a Training Company and an E5, Section Leader, with the Reserves. Vocation...I play with explosives...:lol:
Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear and if I do it's something unusual. But you, When you made it with that cow! I want to party with you. But you and me together? Forget it. <anybody?>

Bill Murray- Stripes LOL! Love that movie.

Lots of similar "themes" going on here. Art, Civil Service, Military, and Computers.
V.P. Creative for a Video/Interactive/Events Company.
Check out our company at www.visiontracks.com

Yeah Arturo, you thought you had time at night to work, wait til your little girl starts needing more of your attention! :lol:
I used to have more time for "art" til I had kids. ;)

Hey Jango 5204, You're a CHiP?, love the bike! You need to get one of those and paint it in "Fett fashion"!

I'm a Union Bricklayer, not the best pic but it gives you an idea and I have a birds eye view

I am a product designer, currently working for a product design consultancy called Edge Product Development in Newtown, PA. I'm working on designing next generation Military Body armor, amongst other projects. The armor project just takes up most of my time.
Previously I've worked as a mechanic for a police department for 7 years, and worked as a product designer for Hasbro toys, Fisher Price toys, Frontgate Catalogue, and Ethicon Endo Surgery.
I'm a flight instructor and recently promoted to stagecheck airmen (which is essentially a pilot who conducts the academy flight exams.) This is a VERY fun job, but the promotion means I work long hours ... which is why I don't get a chance to visit here as much as I use to.:cry Anyway, I'll probably be flying a Boeing-737 in about 2 years and will obtain my dream job of a Boeing-747 captain in about 7 years. Looking forward to it.:thumbsup:

Here's a recent picture of me:
I'm a Maintenance Supervisor at the moment. I am going to the School of Communication Arts for 3D Animation; so I guess I'm a nerd! :lol:
Work update

I just started a second job tonight working for our local "Steak-Out" as a driver.
I guess I am a steak smuggler :)
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I´m a Paramedic/Fire Fighter/General Rescue person. But Paramedic is what I do most of the time.
Before that I was a Combat Medic/Paramedic in the Royal Danih Army for 10 years.


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